Customer Cash Receipt Entry - Detail - Quick Entry overview
Use the Quick Entry view to filter invoices for payment or to quickly enter invoices being paid.
The Quick Entry view displays by default when you select Quick Entry in the Default Allocation Tab for Payments field in Customer Cash Receipt Entry-Entry Defaults and you are entering a Payment or Split Check transaction type.
If you do not access the Quick Entry view by default, it is generally accessed after selecting the invoices you want to apply payments to on the Invoice view, then selecting the Quick Entry view. This method filters only the invoices you want work with onto the Quick Entry view for quick handling. Use the Transactions grid options to manage the filtered invoices.
If you don't access the Invoices view first to select invoices and instead use the entry fields on the Quick Entry view to enter an invoice, after you enter the invoice and click , it is validated against the same record in the Invoices view and dropped to the Transactions grid. If the Proof is 0, the payment is recorded. You can finish the entry session and close the journal.
Transaction grid options
These options are available when you select one or more transactions in the grid:
- Paid In Full
Select one or more lines in the Transactions grid and click Apply Amount is updated with the paid amount.
to mark the transaction as paid in full. The - Original Discount
Select one or more lines in the Transactions grid and click Original Discount to reset the discount amount back to its original value.
- Write Off
The Write Off option is available when you select a single invoice in the grid and check the Paid In Full box but an amount remains owing on the invoice. The Write Off window is displayed where you can specify the write-off amount and GL accounts. As with the Invoices view, write offs cannot be modified after they are entered.
- Reset
Click Reset to reset the selected rows to their original values.
Note: Any changes to the Reference field are not reset. - Delete
Use the Delete option to delete one or more selected lines from the grid.
Note: Deleting the transaction does not reset any values applied to the invoice. It only removes the transaction from displaying in the Quick Entry Transactions grid. You can still view the invoice on the Invoices view, however, the Quick Entry column is not selected.