Customer Cash Receipt Entry - Detail - Miscellaneous Cash overview
Use this page to record miscellaneous cash that is received, but not related to a particular invoice.
This page is displayed when you select Miscellaneous Cash as the Type on the Cash Receipt Entry window. This is cash received that is unrelated to a particular customer account. When you post cash in Customer Cash Receipt Entry, the Accounts Receivable cash account you specify on this page is debited, and you select the revenue credit account(s) through the General Ledger Distribution window.
When you post Miscellaneous Cash in Customer Cash Receipt Entry to a bank with foreign currency, the CR amount is posted in the currency of the bank, not the domestic currency. That is, the amount that you specify is the foreign currency amount and that amount is displayed when you look at the transaction in CR Check Center Entry. The GL postings are always in domestic currency, so the GL amounts will have the currency exchange rate applied to the amount that you specify.