Vendor Period Analysis Report overview
Function acronym: APRP
Use this report to provide an aging of vendor balances and credit memos for Periods 1-5.
The number of days in each period fields in SA Administrator Options-Customer-Balances determine the periods for this report. The fifth period consists of everything greater than the number of days specified for Period 4. This is helpful in both examining amounts owed to vendors and in tracking credit memos more accurately.
There are several ways to customize the format of the report. You can elect to print a detail line for every transaction, print the grand totals for each vendor, or print the division totals. You can choose whether or not to print vendors with zero balances. Reports can be printed to only include a certain type of currency. Be aware that some of the choices you make change the appearance of the report.
The Vendor Period Analysis Report detail report can list one or two sections per vendor. The first section includes the invoice number, invoice and due date, the balance on the invoice and future invoices. The balance of the invoice is also shown in the appropriate period column. The second section includes a listing of miscellaneous credits. If there are no miscellaneous credits, the second section will not print.
For the summary report, a separate section appears for each vendor, which looks exactly like the same section of the detail report; however, period balances appear by a single line that summarizes the totals for each period for that particular vendor.
Vendor totals appear for each vendor, and grand totals are included, or you can print grand totals only. Divisional totals are displayed if you select No for the Grand Totals Only option and you select Yes for the Print Vend#, Lookup Name By Division option. A separate group of totals are displayed for each type of currency.
At the end of the report, a total of all vendors that are out of balance is displayed. Vendors will only be listed as out of balance if the cutoff date is equal to today's date.