Vendor Floor Plan Acceptance Entry - Update overview
The Update window is displayed when you select items in the Vendor Floor Plan Acceptance Entry grid and click .
Use this window to specify any extra charges to apply to the invoice. If you selected an item that is the last scheduled payment, the Recommended Extra Charges Amount from the Detail view is defaulted in the Extra Charges Amount field. You cannot change the amount.
If it is not the last scheduled payment, you can change the default amount.
These updates occur when you click
:- The Quantity Paid is increased by the Quantity Due amount in Purchase Order Entry for the selected line.
- A split payment transaction is created in Vendor Invoice Center Entry for each invoice accepted for payment. The Due Date on this transaction is set to the current date. The sequence number from the split payment is assigned to the corresponding APEMF record to create a tie between the two records.
- The FP Paid flag is set to Y in Product Extended Serial # Setup for any serial products.