Vendor Floor Plan Acceptance Entry - Summary Details overview

Vendor > Entry > Floor Plan Acceptance

The Details view is displayed when you drill down on a product in the Vendor Floor Plan Acceptance Entry grid or select a line in the grid and click Summary Details.

Use this view to review details for the selected product, including the Recommended Payment Amount and information on serials and invoice addons. The Serials grid lists all unpaid serial numbers for all lines selected to pay.

No updates can be made on the Details view.


The General section displays details related to the selected line or lines. If you selected multiple lines for the same invoice, all lines are shown in the product grid.

The Total On Hand This Line amount is calculated by adding the On Hand and Unavailable quantities from Product Warehouse Product Setup.

The Recommended Payment Amount is the amount due for the line as calculated during Vendor Entry Payment Action Report.


If an invoice contains multiple serial products, all unpaid serial products included on the floor plan are displayed in a grid.

The Pay Now and Sold columns indicate if the serial products is selected for payment or already sold.

The Serials section is displayed for serial products only.


This section displays the invoice and addon amounts recorded for the selected invoice in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. Also included in the recommended payment amount from the Vendor Entry Payment Action Report for the invoice.