SA Administrator Options - Products - Defaults overview

System Administrator > Administrator Options > Products > Defaults

Use this page to set up defaults for product setup, nonstocks, tallies, receiving, sales processing, and physical counts.

On this page you can perform these actions:

  • Specify general default information for products, such as the new product lookup name.
  • Enable the vendor product number field and the product number field to accommodate up to 50 characters in Distribution SX.e and TWL (Total Warehouse Logistics).
  • Indicate default information for special products, such as nonstock and catalog products.
  • Indicate whether to update the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) during picking or invoice processing.
  • Indicate default information for serial and lot products, such as when to assign serial numbers and which types of lots can receive product.
  • Indicate the adjustment exception amount and enable override of the default GL account for physical count adjustments.
  • Indicate whether you want to control special pricing values for tally products.