SA Administrator Options - Financials - Check Reconciliation overview
Use this page to specify which modules can update Check Reconciliation directly. If bank transactions for a specific module are to be posted solely through Check Reconciliation, do not select the corresponding option.
If interfaces to General Ledger are enabled, update Check Reconciliation in GL Transaction Entry . Use the Check Reconciliation feature when posting to a Bank or Cash account. Examples of such transactions are variable bank service charges such as check charges or fixed periodic service charges like monthly charges.
If interfaces to Sales Order Entry and Customer are enabled, a CR Check Center Entry record is created. CR Bank Setup is updated after journals are closed from Sales Order Entry Tendering and Receive on Account and Customer Cash Receipt Entry, not as transactions are entered. No special actions are required by operators when using these two modules.
If you are importing bank statements and reconciling with the CR Reconciliation Center Entry, all three options must be selected.