SA Administrator Options - Financials - Account Structure overview
Use this page to define the size and delimiter for the division, department, account, and sub account sections of General Ledger account codes.
Many companies have account codes and account code formats already defined. You can use your existing account code structure or, if necessary, modify it to work with the system.
Four account code sections are available – Division, Department, Account, and Sub account. The total length of the four sections cannot be more than 18 digits plus three delimiters. The combined Account and Sub account sections must be ten digits or less.
Use the options available to specify the length of each account section and the character or symbol to use as a delimiter to separate the sections. The account codes are stored in four different variables, one each for division, department, account, and sub account.
Defining the account code sections is optional. You can leave the lengths of the division, department, and sub account sections at zero if you do not want to use those sections. This is an example of an account code setup:
- Division Size: 4 and the delimiter is -
- Department Size: 4 and the delimiter is-
- Account Size: 6 and the delimiter is -
- Subaccount Size: 4
The account code would display as 0000-0000-000000-0000.
You must set up the SA Company Setup and SA Operator Setup records before you define your account structure.