Sales Order Entry - Advanced Line Entry - Manual Rebate field descriptions


Contract #

Specify the contract number to which the manual rebate applies. This field is blank the first time you create a manual rebate for an order. If a subsequent rebate is created, the contract number from the first rebate is the default value, but you can change it.

This field is available if the Use Contract Line # option is selected. If the Use Contract Line # option is not selected, this field is available in the General view.

Contract Line #

Specify the contract line number to which the manual rebate applies. This field is available only if the Use Contract Line # option is selected.


The default value is derived from the order and cannot be changed.


Select a rebate type. You are limited to the rebates types enabled in SA Administrator Options-Product-Rebates.


The default value is derived from the line item. You cannot change this value.

Product Category

The default value is derived from the product category specified on the Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record for the line item. You cannot change this value.

Product Line

The default value is derived from the product line specified on the Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record for the line item. You cannot change this value.

Product Price Type

The default value is derived from the price type specified on the Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record for the line item. You cannot change this value.

Rebate Region

Specify the region that the warehouse from the order is assigned to on the Product Warehouse Description Setup-General record. This is an optional value.

Rebate Sub Type
Specify a sub rebate type to group products within the rebate type. A value may be specified on the Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record for the line item.
Rebate Type

The default value is derived from the Rebate Type field on the Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record. If a value is not specified on a product record, the default value is blank. You cannot change this value.

Ship To

The default value is derived from the order. You can clear the field, but you cannot specify another ship to for the customer.

Ship Type

Select Drop Ship to apply the manual rebate to products that your vendor ships directly to your customers. Select Warehouse to apply the manual rebate to products that you ship to your customers from your warehouse.

This value is automatically selected based on the order type or the status of line item. For example, Drop Ship is selected if one of these conditions is met:

  • The entire order is a direct order .
  • A line item was sourced from a vendor as a direct order.

You cannot change this value.

Start Date

Specify the date the manual rebate is effective.

Use Contract Line #

If this option is selected, you can specify a contract line number on the rebate record. If you clear this option, the Contract Line # field is not available. By default, this option is selected for all manual rebate types except Rebate Type Rebates. This option is displayed only if the Rebate by Contract Line Number option in SA Administrator Options-Products is selected.

Use Rebate Sub Type OR Contract Line #

Indicate if you will specify a sub rebate type or contract line number. This field is displayed when you create a Rebate Type Rebate.


The default value is derived from one of these records:

  • Product Warehouse Product Setup: ARP vendor for the line item
  • Product Catalog Setup: Vendor

You cannot change this value.


Specify the warehouse specified on the order header. This is an optional value.

Results grid

Manual rebates are displayed in this grid if you search for existing PD Pricing Setup records or create a manual rebate in the Manual Rebate view. This grid contains the values specified on the manual rebate records. See the field descriptions in this topic for descriptions of grid column values. Exception are listed below:

Drop Ship Type

This column corresponds to Ship Type field.

Rebate Description

This column corresponds to the Vendor on Sale option. Vendor on Sale is the only value that displays in this column.

Record #

The number that is assigned to each rebate record to identify it.



This field is displayed if you selected a rate in the Down To field.

Specify the rebate amount per stocking unit or special price/cost unit. For example, if you specify 5.0000 for a stocking unit of each, the rebate amount is $5.00 for each stocking unit.

Based From

This field is displayed if you selected Net for the Rebate Calc Type.

The price or cost you select for this field is compared to the value in the Amount field. The difference is calculated as the rebate.

Based On

This field is displayed if you selected Percent for the Rebate Calc Type.

The price or cost that you select is multiplied by the value in the Rebate % field to determine the rebate amount. The options that are available in this field depend on whether you track rebates through purchase or sales orders.

If purchase orders are used to update rebate amounts in Accounts Payable, you must select a cost in this field. For nonstocks, you can select a price or Actual Cost. Customer rebates or vendor rebates that are based on sale can use any price or cost for this field. If the rebate amount is a percent, it is multiplied against the price of the product that was sold to the customer or the cost of the product. The rebate has no effect on the actual price that is charged to the customer.

Contract Cost

If this option is selected, the contract line number is required. A Vendor Contract Pricing record is created in PD Pricing Setup with a contract cost, instead of a line-level rebate record.

Down To

This field is displayed if you selected Net for the Rebate Calc Type.

You can select a flat rate, price, or cost for this field. If you select flat amount, the value that you specify in the Amount field is compared to the cost or price in the Based From field. The difference is calculated as the rebate.

If you select one of the costs in this field, the percentage of the cost in the Percent field is compared to the cost or price in the Based From field. The difference is calculated as the rebate.

End Date

Specify the date the rebate record expires. This is an optional value. If this field is blank, the rebate never expires. If you specify an end date, you can then use the PD Administrator Remove/Inactive Customer Price Report to inactivate and remove the record.

Manual Rebate

This option indicates that the rebate is a manual rebate. You cannot clear this option.

Margin % Guaranteed

This field is displayed if you selected Margin Guaranteed for the Rebate Calc Type.

If your vendor guarantees the margin, specify the percent that is guaranteed.

The line item price and the Margin Cost value initially calculates the margin. If the actual margin is equal to or greater than the guaranteed margin in this field, the rebate amount is zero. If the margin is less than what is specified here, the rebate amount necessary to bring it up to the guaranteed margin is calculated.

The To Calculate Margin % Divide By option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing determines how the margin percentage is calculated.

  • This is an example of a guaranteed margin calculation if the To Calculate Margin % Divide By is Net:

    Margin % Guaranteed = 20%

    Cost = $10.00

    Net = $11.00

    Margin % = (Net – Cost)/Net

    Margin % = ($11.00 - $10.00)/$11.00 = .09 or 9%

    9% < 20%, therefore:

    Rebate = (Net x Margin % Guaranteed) – Net + Cost

    Rebate = ($11.00 x .2) – 11.00 + 10.00

    Rebate = $1.20

  • This is an example of a guaranteed margin calculation if the To Calculate Margin % Divide By is Cost:

    Margin % Guaranteed = 20%

    Cost = $10.00

    Price = $11.00

    Margin % = (Net – Cost)/Cost

    Margin % = ($11.00 - $110.00)/$10.00 = .10 or 10%

    10% < 20%, therefore:

    Rebate = [(Margin % Guaranteed x Cost) + Cost – Price]/Margin % Guaranteed + 1)

    Rebate = [(.20 x $10.00) + $10.00 - $11.00]/(.2 + 1)

    Rebate = $.83

Margin Cost

This field is displayed if you selected Margin Guaranteed for the Rebate Calc Type.

Select the cost the margin is based on.


This field is displayed if you selected a price or cost for theDown To field.

Specify the percent of the selected price or cost you want to compare to the Based From cost or price. The difference is calculated as the rebate. For example, if the Product Warehouse Product Setup cost or price you select for the Based From field is $100.00, the cost or price you select for the Rebate Down To field is $80.00, and you specify 110.00000 in this field, the rebate is $12.00. This is the calculation:

1.10 x $80.00 = $88.00

$100.00 – $88.00 = $12.00

Rebate %

Specify a percent to apply to the price or cost that is selected in the Based On field. For example, suppose the rebate is 7% of a product with a base price of $75.00. You select Base Price in the Based On field, and then specify 7.00000 in this field. The base price is multiplied by the rebate percent to calculate the rebate: $75.00 * .07 = $5.25

Rebate Amount

This field is displayed if you selected Amount for the Rebate Calc Type.

Specify the rebate amount per stocking unit or special price/cost unit. For example, if you specify 5.0000 for a stocking unit of each, the rebate amount is $5.00 for each stocking unit.

Rebate Calc Type

You can base the rebate calculation on an amount, a percentage, a net amount, or a guaranteed margin. The fields available on this page change in accordance with your selection.


Specify a user-defined value, which is set up in SA Table Code Value Setup, that pertains to this record.

Share Rebate

Select this option to indicate that the rebate record is a share rebate.

Price Sheet

Specify the vendor pricing sheet that relates to one of these values:

  • The Based On for a rebate calculation type of Percent.
  • The Based From for a rebate calculation type of Net.
  • The Margin Cost for a rebate calculation type of Margin Guaranteed.
Sheet Date

The date of the sheet you specified in the Sheet field.

To Sheet

Specify the vendor pricing sheet that relates to the Down To value.

To Sheet Date

The date of the sheet you specified in the To Sheet field.

Use Contract Line #

This option indicates that this manual rebate for a line on a contract. You cannot clear this option.

Share Rebate Settings

Cap Sell Amount

Specify the highest price at which you can sell the product and retain the entire rebate. The vendor determines this price.

You can specify a dollar amount or a percentage. If you specify a percentage, the Multiplier on the vendor record determines the value that is multiplied by the Cap Sell Amount percentage to convert the Cap Sell Amount into a dollar amount. This calculation is performed when a order line is created, not when the record is set up, thereby using the most current price.

This table shows examples of Cap Sell Amount calculations.

Cap Sell Amount Cap Sell Type Rebate Multiplier Rebate Multiplier amount Cap Sell Amount = Cap Sell % * Amount designated by the Mulitplier
152 Amount Not used Not used $152
100 Percent Base Price $165 $165
115 Percent Cost $148 $170.20

You can select Base Price, List Price, or Cost for Pricing as the multiplier. The base and list price values are derived from Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup records. The Cost for Pricing value is determined by the Mark Up From field in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs. If the Include Addons option is selected, addon costs are included in the cost and used in the rebate calculation.

If you specify a percentage for the Cap Sell Amount, you can accommodate different or fluctuating prices in situations where the rebate record applies to multiple products, such as a Product Line rebate, or the price changes.

Share %

Specify the percentage by which the rebate is reduced if the product is sold over the Cap Sell Amount. This percentage is only applied to the amount in excess of the Cap Sell Amount.