Customer Entry Journal Print Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- (T)rans Posting, (C)ash Rec, or (B)oth?
Specify T to print journals that were created in Customer Transaction Entry.
Specify C to print journals that were created in Customer Cash Receipts Entry.
Specify B to print journals that were created in both functions.
- Operator Initials (blank for all)
Specify the operator initials to print journals for that specific operator. To print journals for all operators, leave this field blank.
- Print Unprinted Journals Only?
Select Yes to print all journals that have not yet been printed. After a journal is printed, it is indicated in the Printed column of SA Journal Setup.
Select No to print all journals.
- Print G/L Distrib With Detail Lines?
Select Yes to print the section that is dedicated to General Ledger distribution under the corresponding detail lines for each journal. The GL distribution is printed according to account code and debit and credit amounts. If you print multiple journals, the detail lines and GL distribution for each journal are grouped together.
Select No to print GL distribution at the end of the report. If you print multiple journals, the detail lines for each journal print first. The GL distribution for each journal is grouped at the end of the report.
- Totals Only?
Select Yes to print a totals line with total debits, total credits and a hash for each journal selected. These totals are obtained from the journal record in SA Journal Setup. The General Ledger distribution totals also print.
Select No to print transaction detail lines and the totals information.
- Enter a List of Journal #'s?
Select Yes, and the click to enter a list of accounts receivable journal numbers.