Sales Analysis Report formats
The SM Sales Analysis Report output depends upon the ranges and options you select when you run the report. Use the Use Which Form (1-19) option to select up to nineteen predesigned report formats. Use the (A)nalysis or (B)alance Information option to choose the type of detail that is printed.
Form # | Definition | Description |
1 | Category by Product |
Form #1 is a report of sales by Product Category by Product. It groups customers by product and provides totals and grand totals by product category. Select the Balance option to analyze the actual dollar figures for Net Sales, Discounts, and Cost. |
2 | Category by Warehouse |
Form #2 is a report of sales by Category by Warehouse. It groups the customers' purchases by warehouse, sorts them by product category and provides totals and grand totals by product category. |
3 | Product by Warehouse |
Form #3 is a report of sales by Product by Warehouse. It groups the customers' purchases by warehouse, sorts them by product and provides totals and grand totals by product. |
4 | Product by Customer |
Form #4 is a report of sales by Product by Customer. It groups the customers' purchases by customer and provides totals and grand totals by product. |
5 | Warehouse by Product |
Form #5 is a report of sales by Warehouse by Product. It groups the customers' purchases by product and provides totals and grand totals by warehouse. This report allows you to analyze an individual warehouse’s sales when you have more than one warehouse. |
6 | Warehouse by Category |
Form #6 is a report of sales by Warehouse by Category. It groups the customers' purchases by product category and provides totals and grand totals by warehouse. This report allows you to analyze an individual warehouse’s sales when you have more than one warehouse, and want to organize sales by product categories rather than individual products. |
7 | Salesrep by Customer |
Form #7 is a report of sales by Salesrep by Customer. This report provides customers' sales totals grouped under their assigned salesrep. |
8 | Salesrep by Product |
Form #8 is a report of sales by Salesrep by Product. It groups products together, sorts them by salesrep, and provides totals and grand totals by salesrep. |
9 | Salesrep by Category |
Form #9 is a report of sales by Salesrep by Product Category. It groups products together by category, sorts them by salesrep, and gives totals and grand totals by salesrep. The information this report shows is very similar and may be the same as format #7,depending on the ranges you specify. This format allows you to look at product categories without having to search through every product. |
10 | Customer by Product |
Form #10 is a report of sales by Customer by Product. It groups products together, sorts them by customer,and gives totals and grand totals by customer. |
11 | Customer by Category |
Form #11 is a report of sales by Customer by Product Category. It groups by category, sorts them by customer, and gives totals and grand totals by customer. The information this report provides is similar to Form #10. |
12 | Customer by Ship To |
Form #12 is a report of sales by Customer by Ship To. This report shows the sales for each customer by the various ship tos for that customer and provides you with totals and grand totals by customer. The Ship To and Ship To location is included if the customer has a separate ship to assigned. If the customer does not have a separate ship to assigned, the Ship To is blank. |
13 | Customer by Ship To by Product |
Form #13 is a report of sales by Customer by Ship To by Product. This report shows the sales for each customer showing the products purchased, by each ship to assigned to that customer and provides you with totals and grand totals by customer. If the customer does not have a separate ship to assigned, the products purchased are listed and the ship to is blank. |
14 | Customer by Ship To by Category |
Form #14 is a report of sales by Customer by Ship To by Category. Use this form to analyze sales of specific product categories to individual ship tos, with totals per customer. |
15 | Customer Type by Territory |
Form #15 is a report of sales by Customer Type by Territory. Use this form to analyze the territories located where certain customer types are concentrated. |
16 | Territory by Product |
Form #16 is a report of sales by Territory by Product. Use this form to analyze each territory’s sales by the products purchased in each territory. Within each territory are the products purchased and totals, and grand totals are given by territory. |
17 | Customer Type by Category by Territory |
Form #17 is a report of sales by Customer Type by Category by Territory. This report differs from Form #15, which is Customer Type by Territory. Form #17 provides totals for product category rather than individual products and gives totals and grand totals for each customer type. |
18 | Vendor by Product |
Form #18 is a report of sales by Vendor by Product. It groups products together, sorts them by vendor, and provides totals and grand totals by vendor. |
19 | Vendor by Category |
Form #19 a report of sales by Vendor by Product Category. It groups sales by category, sorts them by vendor, and provides totals and grand totals by vendor. The information on this report is similar to Form #18. |