Product Administration Storeroom Product Export Report ranges and options
- Customer #
Specify a customer number. This value is compared to the customer number value in Product Warehouse Description Setup for the selected warehouses. The customer number is also used to find any customer product cross-reference records that may exist for products in the Storeroom warehouse.
- Ship To
Optionally, specify a ship to number. This value is compared to the ship to in Product Warehouse Description Setup.
- Enter a List of Whses?
If you did not specify a range of warehouses, select Yes and then specify the warehouses to include in the report.
- Output File name
Specify the name of the output file. Include the .csv extension in the file name, for example, customerProductout.csv. The output file is saved to the print directory that is specified in SA Company Setup.
- (C)omma Separated or (T)ab Delimited?
Leave the default value, C, to generate a comma-separated value (.csv) file.
- Record Limit
Specify a value to limit the number of product records that are included in the output file. Leave the default value, 0, to export all records that meet the criteria.