SA Operator Setup - New User field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Account Disabled
Select this option to prevent the user from accessing the system.
- Confirm Password
Specify the value you specified in the Password field to ensure it is correct.
- Create Like
Specify the initials of the existing operator whose record that you want to copy for the new operator. Copied information includes authorization security settings and roles. This value is optional. If you do not specify an existing operator, the system default settings are used.
- Full Name
Specify the operator's name.
- Operator Initials
Specify the initials the operator must use to log into the system.
- Password
Specify the password the user must use to log into the system.
- User Cannot Change Password
Select this option to prevent the user from changing their password.
- User Must Change Password at Next Login
Select this option to require the operator to change their password.