WM Audit Report ranges and options
See Ranges.
- Whse
Required. Specify the warehouse you wish to generate this report for.
- Audit Product and Setup?
If you accept the default, Yes, the message/conditions described in WM Audit Report overview are performed. If you have an Open, Staging, or Unavailable bin with attached product records that have a zero quantity, no active WM transaction records, and no active count in progress, the product records will be removed.
- Audit Quantities?
If you accept the default, Yes, the Product Warehouse Product Setup On Hand and Unavailable product quantities will be reconciled with the WM Bin Location and Product Setup records. Any outstanding WM transaction record balances will be reconciled to the WM Bin Location and Product Setup product Received and Committed balances. If you have an Open, Staging, or Unavailable bin with attached product records that have a zero quantity, no active WM transaction records, and no active count in progress, the product records will be removed. Updates are performed based on your selections in these three options: Flag For Cycle Count?, Show Bins With Negative Quantities?, and Update Bin Quantities?. If you select No, these three options are ignored: Flag For Cycle Count?, Show Bins With Negative Quantities?, and Update Bin Quantities?.
- Flag For Cycle Count?
The default value is No. If you select Yes, and the On Hand quantities do not match the Product Warehouse Product Setup On Hand quantities, the Count Required field in Product Warehouse Product Setup will be set to Yes to force a physical count.
- Show Bins With Negative Quantities?
The default value is No. If you select Yes, the negative balances will be included on your report. Negative balances are common in WM Bin Location and Product Setup and do not always indicate an error. Returned Merchandise (RM) purchase orders could potentially cause negative balances.
- Update Bin Quantities?
The default value is No. If you select Yes, WM Bin Location and Product Setup Received and Committed fields will be updated when there is a discrepancy.
- Audit For Multiple Products Per Bin?
The default value is No. If you select Yes, and the Allow Multiple Products Per Bin option in is also Yes, multiple product records on all but Staging and Unavailable bins are audited. If you select Yes, and the Allow Multiple Products Per Bin option in is No, the system locates bins that contain multiple products.
- Audit Open Bin/ICSW Conflict?
The default value is No. If you select Yes , WM Bin Location and Product Setup Open bin location product records are checked for consistency with Product Warehouse Product Setup Bin Type and Restrict To entries. If any discrepancies in bin type or building/row restrictions are found, an exception message prints on the report.
- Check For Invalid Products?
This option initially defaults to Yes. This option reviews the WM Bin Location and Product Setup records within the range to capture any products that are not set up in Product Warehouse Product Setup, but are set up in bins. This condition should not occur because several checks are made to prevent this from happening. But in the event the condition does occur, you have an option to correct the situation.
- Check For Invalid Bin Assign/Status?
The default value is No. If you select Yes, all WM Bin Location and Product Setup records are scanned for the warehouse specified above. Conflicts with assignments and status codes are checked.