Vendor Maintain Transaction Entry - Open Item Maintenance field descriptions
Field descriptions are presented in alphabetical order.
- Amount
The cash discount amount based on the discount percent. If the discount percent is changed, the cash discount is recalculated. If you override the cash discount amount, the percentage is recalculated. The cash discount amount must be less than the scheduled pay amount.
- Days
The number of days between the invoice date and discount date. If you change the discount date, this field automatically adjusts. If you change the days, the discount date increases or decreases to reflect the new number of days. The discount days must be less than or equal to the due days.
This amount cannot be negative.
- Discount Date
The discount date from the scheduled payment record is displayed. Originally, it was calculated from the invoice date and discount days in SA Table Code Value Setup but could have been overridden. The discount date specified creates the discount period. If a cash discount is offered, it is eligible for deduction during the discount period.
If the scheduled payment record was entered under a floor planning agreement, the Discount/Expiration Date field is displayed. The expiration date is the final due date and might include interest accrued. Originally, the expiration date was calculated from the invoice date and the terms set up in SA Table Code Value Setup but may have been overridden.
You can specify a new Discount/Expiration Date, but it must be less than the due date.
- Discount %
The discount % value from the scheduled payment record is displayed. Originally, it defaults from the SA Table Code Value Setup but might have been overridden. The discount percent is multiplied against the scheduled pay amount to yield the cash discount available if the payment is made during the discount period.
- Dispute
You can designate the scheduled payment as disputed. Scheduled payments that are disputed will only be affected when the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report is run. A payment cannot be applied against a disputed scheduled payment. Select Yes to make a scheduled payment disputed. This has no effect on vendor balances, General Ledger, or Accounts Payable history transactions. You can also release a scheduled payment from being disputed.
- Due Date
The due/maturity date from the scheduled payment record is displayed. This is the date the scheduled payment is due. If the scheduled payment is paid later than the due date, a service charge might apply. Originally, the scheduled payment was calculated from the invoice date and value in the Due Type field on the Terms record in SA Table Code Value Setup, but you can change it.
If the scheduled payment record was entered under a floor planning agreement, the Due/Maturity Date is displayed. The maturity date is the last day payment is due on the invoice before interest is accrued, regardless if the inventory has been sold or not. Originally, the maturity date was calculated from the invoice date and the terms set up in SA Table Code Value Setup, but you can change it.
You can change the due/maturity date, but it must be greater than or equal to the invoice date. You cannot access the Due/Maturity Date field on a miscellaneous credit.
- Due Date Days
The number of days between the invoice date and due date. If you change the due date, this field automatically adjusts. If you change the days, the due date increases or decreases to reflect the new number of days. This amount cannot be negative.
- Invoice
The invoice number of the line you selected.
- Invoice Date
You can change the date of the invoice. When you entered the invoice in Vendor Transaction Entry, you assigned an invoice date to the transaction. The due date and discount date were calculated from the invoice date. If you change the invoice date, the due date and discount date also change according to the terms set up for the vendor.
- Invoice Type
The Invoice Pay Type from the scheduled payment record is displayed. You can change the invoice type. The Invoice Pay Type field is used to group specific transactions together for the Vendor Cash Requirements Report, Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report, and various Vendor/Accounts Payable reports.
- Post Date
The date you entered in the Post Date field in the Vendor Transaction Entry - Open Journal window. The invoice date and posting date may not be the same. The original posting date associated with the transaction cannot be changed. The Post Date field is non-enterable.
- Reference
If specific references have been set up in SA Table Code Value Setup, a period (.) or pound sign (#) must precede the reference number you specify in the first three positions of the Reference field. After you press , the actual description appears in the field and the reference number disappears.
Enter manual references by specifying a description in the Reference field. Use this field to further explain any necessary information associated with this record.
- Schedule Pay Amount
The amount of the scheduled payment. This value cannot be changed. If the vendor is foreign, the currency code appears to the right of the scheduled payment amount.