GL Administrator FRx GL Report ranges and options
- Journal #
- Specify a single journal number or range of numbers to extract records based on a specific journal.
- Division #
- Specify a single division number or range of numbers to extract records based on a specific subset of account and period balances based on division.
- Department #
- Specify a single department number or range of numbers to extract records based on the department code segment.
- Account #
- Specify a single account number or range of numbers to extract records based on a specific subset of account and period balances based on the account code segment.
- Sub Account #
- Specify a single subaccount number or range of numbers to extract records based on a specific subset of account and period balances based on the sub account code segment.
- Period #
- Specify a single period or range of periods to extract records with balances in this period range.
- Fiscal Year
- Specify the fiscal year in which account balances, budget balances and GL transactions to be exported have occurred.
- Extract Control Information?
- Select Yes to send
control information maintained in SA Administrator
Options-Financials, such as account code structure, period structure,
current period, and current fiscal year. Extract the control information each time you
perform this function to ensure that FRx reflects accurate data in its reports,
especially after each month end or year end.Note: Any account that has a segment (division, department, account or subaccount code) that is larger than the mask defined in SA Administrative Options is skipped during the extraction process. These skipped records are listed on the extraction exception report.
- Extract GL Master?
- Select Yes to export data from the GL Account Setup records. This would include period balances. Extract this information on a daily basis.
- Extract Budget?
- Select Yes to export data from the GL Budget Setup records, which includes period balances and all revisions. Any budget records that do not have a corresponding GL Account Setup record are skipped. Those records are noted on the extraction exception report. You might not want to extract this information daily. Extract when budget data is maintained in the system.
- Extract Transactions?
- Select Yes to export data from the GL Transaction Entry records, based on the setting below. It is recommended this data be extracted on a daily basis.
- (U)nmarked, or (M)arked and Unmarked
- Each time records are extracted by GL Administrator FRx GL Report, they are marked as "sent" to FRx.
- Extract Customers (For Zooming)
- Select Yes to extract all valid Customer Setup records, active and inactive. Once extracted, this information is available in FRx when you drill down (zoom) on options related to a list of customers. It is not necessary to extract and send this data on a daily basis.
- Extract Vendors (For Zooming)
- Default – Yes.
- Optional Suffix for Export File
- When you leave this option blank, the export process names the export file frx.exp. The SQL scripts that copy the exported data into the SQL database are hard coded to recognize only this file name.
- Optional Output Location Change
- You can specify an output directory for the GL Administrator FRx GL Report. If this field is left blank, the files are saved in the Print directory set up for the company.