Purchase Blanket Release Entry - Blanket Release Details field descriptions

The fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.


Next Release
The next release number is defaulted, but you can change it to any unassigned release number.
Purchase Order #
The selected Blanket Order number is defaulted, and cannot be changed.


Bill To Name and Address
The vendor name and addresses is defaulted from the Blanket Order (BL) and cannot be changed.
Add any special shipping instructions, if necessary.
Order Date
Specify the date of the order. This is the date the blanket release will convert and place the inventory on order.
Ship From
Specify the ship from if the blanket release should be shipped from a different location than what was designated on the Blanket Order (BL). The ship from must be a valid record in Vendor Setup.
Ship To Name and Address
Specify a ship to name and address if the release should be shipped to a different location than what was designated on the Blanket Order.

The Address Override setting is part of the AvaTax Address Validation feature that ensures the address is valid for taxing. The Address Override setting is selected from the Address Validation pop-up. The pop-up window is automatically displayed from the tax-related address sections of this function if there are errors or differences. The Address Validation pop-up shows the current address side-by-side with the suggested AvaTax address. From the pop-up window, you can update the address. You can also select the Address Override option. This override accommodates a General Delivery address, which overrides the default behavior of AvaTax’s calculation. AvaTax instead makes the tax calculation from the General Delivery address and avoids an error. This is beneficial when the address is not in the United States Postal Service (USPS) database yet, such as with new construction.

Ship Via
Confirm the shipping method and make any changes if necessary.

Line Items

The Line Items view shows each line on the Blanket Order (BL). After each release is created, you can select specify the amount of each line to release in the Quantity to Release field.

If you maintain a line item that exists on multiple blanket releases, select the line item in the grid and click Update By Release. All releases where the line exists are listed in the grid. You can maintain quantities for each line on the Update By Release window, rather than accessing and maintaining each blanket release individually.