Product Expired Customer Core Report ranges and options
- Update (Y/N)?
Select Yes to reduce the quantity that is due in Product Adjust Core Vendor Entry by the expired core quantity from the Product Adjust Core Master Entry record. The status of the transaction is changed to closed in Product Adjust Core Master Entry.
If you inactivate an expired customer core transaction, the . Inactive customer core transactions are not displayed in functions and reports that display expired cores.
Select No to include detail on the report without inactivating the record.
- Run For (V)endor or (C)ustomer
Specify V to update the quantity that is due on the Product Adjust Core Vendor Entry record.
Specify C to run the report in customer mode.
- View (O)pen, (C)losed or (B)oth
Specify O to include open cores on the report.
Specify C to include closed cores on the report for historical purposes, such as researching a transaction.
Specify B to include open and closed records on the report.
If you specify C or B, you cannot select Yes for the Update (Y/N)? option.