Product Administrator Warehouse Copy Report ranges and options
- From Warehouse
Specify the source warehouse from which the warehouse product records are copied.
- To Warehouse
Specify the destination warehouse to copy the warehouse product records to.
Information from these tabs in Product Warehouse Product Setup are copied to the new warehouse product record:
- General
- Ordering, except for usage information
- Enter a List of Warehouses?
Select Yes, and then click to enter a list of destination warehouses.
If you select No and the To field is blank, this message is included on the report: To Warehouse Not Found, No Records Copied
- Copy Bin Locations?
Select Yes to include the bin locations from General tab on the new record. Select No if the destination warehouse has different bin locations.
- Copy Costs?
Select Yes to include the costs from Balances section on the To WarehouseCosts tab on the new record.
- Copy Inactive Products?
Select Yes to copy warehouse product records with an inactive status
.- Copy Product Line Records
Note: This option is limited by the product line range only.
Select Yes to copy product line records from the source warehouse. If the authorized replenishment path is warehouse or central warehouse, the authorized replenishment path in the new warehouse is the same.
Select No only if the destination warehouse has Product Lines Setup records with the same vendor/product line.
- Copy Vendor/VMI Products Only?
Select Yes to copy only those product records with an authorized replenishment path of vendor or VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory).
- Use To Whse ICSL Ordering Defaults?
Select Yes to copy the default values from the Product Lines Setup-Ordering record in the destination warehouse. Select No to copy the default values from the original warehouse product record.