Product Customer Forecast Report ranges and options
- I)nactive, D)elete, N)either
Specify an action to perform with the report.
Select I to cease the activity of customer forecasts. Specify D to delete customer forecasts. If you select to inactivate or delete forecasts, you must specify an expired date range on the Ranges page. To ensure that you select forecasts that have expired, specify an expiration date range which is earlier than the current date.
Specify N to generate a list of forecasts without taking an action.
Note: You can also use Product Customer Reservations Setup to activate, inactivate, and delete customer forecasts. - Select Status A)ctive, I)nactive, B)oth
- Specify A to limit the report to active forecasts. Specify I to limit the report to inactive forecasts. Specify B to include all forecasts, regardless of status.
- Display Product Detail?
Specify Yes to include product details on the report.
- Usage Rate Variance Pct
This field is applicable only when you select Yes in the Display Product Detail? field. Specify a usage rate variance percent greater than zero to limit the report results by actual usage rate percent.
This calculation is used to determine the usage rate percentage:
Usage rate percentage = Actual usage to date / Forecasted usage to date * 100
For example, if the actual usage to date is 80 and the forecasted usage to date is 85, the usage rate percentage is 94%t.
80 / 85 * 100 = 94%
If you specify 10 as the variance percentage, then products with an actual usage rate greater than 90% or less than 110% are included on the report.