Product Catalog Setup - General field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.

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Web Pages




The catalog description; an expanded explanation or identification of the catalog. Two lines of description are available. Specify the most important description on the first line. You can specify a secondary description on the second description line. Both descriptions are displayed during transaction entry functions, but generally only the first description or the lookup name is included in reports and inquiries.

Extended Description

Specify an extended product description, if necessary. You can specify up to 256 characters in the Extended Description field. This description is printed in addition to the text in the Description 1 and 2 fields on reports if the option, Display Extended Product Description on Reports, in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults is selected. The extended description appears in inventory setup and inquiry functions regardless of the AO option.

Non Cancellable / Non Returnable

Select this option to designate this catalog product as non-cancellable or non-returnable (NCNR). This notifies your buyers and customer service reps that it should only be added to sales or purchase orders when the customer is aware that the order cannot be canceled, or when the item cannot be returned to you or to the vendor for a full refund. Leave blank if the product is not an NCNR item.

Products that are designated as NCNR cannot be entered on a Return Merchandise (RM) order or return line in Sales Order Entry or Purchase Order Entry without proper security. The Allow Entry of NCNR field must be selected for the operator in SA Operator Setup-OE/PO Entry Options.

Product Line

The product line that is associated with the catalog product.

If the Require Vendor #/Product Line setting in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults is set to Vendor and Product Line, this value is required when creating a catalog record or maintaining the General view of an existing record.


A categorization method that is used world wide for searching for products through the internet. This field supports up to a 12 alpha characters and is not validated. It can be updated through Supplier Link.


The Universal Product Code is a product identifier consisting of up to six components for a total of 24 digits. The UPC number is set up in Product UPC Information Setup. It appears here for information only. If no UPC number appears in this field, it has not been set up in Product UPC Information Setup for the ARP vendor and product line designated for this product record.

The UPC number consists of those components you have defined in SA Administrator Options-Product-Alternates/UPS. Two components, the vendor number and product number, are required and are hard coded in SA Administrator Options-Product-Alternates/UPS as 6 and 5 digits in length, respectively.

The vendor number is assigned by the Uniform Code Council with the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and the product number is assigned by the manufacturer for unique identification.

The UPC number prints on all purchase orders and is stored on all orders in Sales.

Vendor #

The vendor assigned to this catalog. The Require Vendor #/Product Line setting in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults does not determine that this value is required.

Vendor Product

The product number the vendor uses for this product. The product you specify in this field must not exist in Product Setup or Product Warehouse Products Setup. When a product is copied from the catalog to create a new Product Warehouse Products Setup record, the vendor product is copied to the new record. The vendor product number length defaults to 24 characters, but the number can be expanded to accommodate 50 characters by your Distribution SX.e administrator. Although the Vendor Product field accommodates up to 50 characters, the field may/may not visually expand.


Alternate Product Group

Specify an alternate product group for the catalog product. If the Report to Supplier option is selected on the Alternate Product Group record, sales, rebate, and inventory information for products assigned to this alternate product group must be sent to the supplier when using electronic communications.

The value you specify here is validated against the alternate product group table values created in SA Table Code Value Setup. This is an optional setting.

If you specify an alternate product group for a catalog product, it is displayed in the AltPGrp column in the search results grid.

Always Accept in Order Entry

Select this option to bypass the popup windows that are displayed when you create an order in Sales Order Entry for a product that already exists in Product Catalog Setup. These windows require you to click Yes, No, or Cancel.

If you select Always Accept in Order Entry, Distribution SX.e assumes you would always select Yes on these popup windows to accept the existing catalog item.

Brand Code

Use this field to associate a brand code with a specific product number. Adding a brand code to a product record improves your ability to find, with auto-lookup or keyword search, the product your customer is requesting. Often, the product number is unknown, but the brand code is remembered. Using this field is also beneficial if the manufacturer changes their number or brand; you can update that number within the record, but your product number remains the same (retaining your product sales data under one number).

Brand codes are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

ECCN Class Code

If you have set up Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) codes in SA Table Code Value Setup, you can assign an ECCN code in Product Catalog Setup. This value is included in the order line in Sales Order Entry and other applicable records and documents.

Extended Type

Used if the product is serialized or based on lots. If this field is left blank, neither serials nor lots are used with this product.

This field is enterable if your SA Operator Setup Supervisor Status field is selected and your security for Product Setup is 3.

If a product has serial numbers or lot numbers, you can specify those numbers during the transaction entry functions in Sales, Purchase, Transfer, and Kit Production. Serial numbers and lot numbers are required before orders can be invoiced through Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing, shipped in the Transfer module, or fully received in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry.

Use caution with this field. If you enter an order when this field is blank, and then change the field to serial or lot, you must perform these manual steps if your customer returns the product:

  • Product Warehouse Product Setup: Change the Extended field to blank
  • Sales Order Entry: Enter the order as a Return Merchandise (RM)
  • Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing Report: Process the RM
  • Product Warehouse Product Setup: Change the Extended field to Serial or Lot
  • Product Extended Serial # Setup: Set up a record for the item

You can choose to override the company setting in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults for assigning serial or lot numbers. You can choose to assign numbers at different times, either at receiving or sales or the default, which is the Administrator Option setting. Choose Serial or Lot and then a drop-down box is displayed where you can choose when you want to assign numbers.

Manufacturer Product

Use this field to set up a manufacturer's product number in Product. The value you specify in this field is not validated, but it is searchable. Adding a manufacturer's product number improves your ability to find, with auto-lookup or keyword search, the product your customer is requesting.

If you convert a catalog product to a stock product, the value in this field is copied to the stock product record.

If you have activated the National Program functionality, and you participate in National Programs that use product model numbers, you can associate that number with a catalog product. For example, some Manufacturers require a specific model number for a claim to be submitted and reimbursed; or, a specific model number has one price and another model number has a different price. Product model numbers are created in SA Table Code Value Setup for National Program. National Program functionality is for stocked products only. You can setup a catalog product ahead of time so the catalog product is available and can be converted to a stock product.
Order Entry Catalog Invoice Create

This option determines whether the catalog product can be converted to an Order-As-Needed stock product, Order-As-Needed nonstock product, or standard stocked product in these functions:

  • Product Warehouse Product Setup
  • Sales Order Entry
  • Sales Customer Pricing Inquiry

Select <Default> to allow conversion to OAN stock, OAN nonstock, or a stocked product. Select OAN Stock Only or OAN Non Stock Only to limit the conversion to that type of product. Select Neither to allow conversion to a stocked product only.

Create Catalog Product in Inventory? is displayed in the listed functions when you specify the catalog product. If you click Yes, a Create Catalog page opens. The values that are available in the Status field are determined by this setting.

This option only applies if your operator security allows you to convert catalog products to inventory products. Yes must be selected for Allow OAN Catalog Stocking in OE in SA Operator Setup-Other Entry Options.

The values that are available in the Item Type field on the Non-Stock page in Sales Order Entry are also determined by this setting.

You use the Order processing rules within SXAPI business rule to convert catalog products to stock products on orders that are received through sxapiOEFullOrderMnt calls. If you enable this conversion, you must select <Default> for this setting.


Specify the tier, tier group, and preference for a catalog product. A preference is a priority attribute, such as choice of warehouse, used in conjunction with a tier and a tier group. Select a value that you have defined in SA Table Code Value Setup type.

Product Category

The product category assigned to products in this catalog. It is important because many Product and Sales Manager reports can be generated in product category order or for a product category range. Sales orders and Purchase orders can distribute to General Ledger balance sheet and income accounts according to the product category (inventory, uninvoiced inventory, core charge, gross sales, line discount, order discount, cost of goods). The product categories are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

Standard Pack

The standard pack is the quantity of the product line packed and sold by the supplier. Examples of a standard pack are box, carton, bundle, or roll, reel, or pallet. When a product is copied from the catalog to create a new Product Warehouse Product Setup record, the vendor product is copied to the new record.

Stocking Unit

The stocking units should be the base unit of measure (each, box, and so on) for products in this catalog. It should be the smallest unit in which this product can be sold, purchased, or stocked. All other units are based off the stocking unit. The stocking unit automatically defaults to "each." Although a lookup of various units is available, these units are relative to the stocking unit. Therefore, the stocking unit is not validated in SA Table Code Value Setup or Product Extended Unit Conversion Setup.

Stocking units should not be changed. Changing the stocking unit seriously impacts the preceding and current transactions in Purchase, Sales, Transfer, Product, Sales Manager, and any other transaction that includes a stocking unit that is relative to the Product Setup stocking unit. If the stocking unit is changed, the unit conversion on the lines, and therefore the calculated quantities, may no longer be valid.

If the stocking unit is accidentally changed, contact Infor Support Services to help you restore your files.

When you perform a lookup on a unit field you have two options.

  • Product unit - The lookup window reflects any unit conversion records that you have set up in Product Extended Unit Conversion Setup.
  • Nonspecific - The lookup window reflects nonspecific unit conversions set up in SA Table Code Value Setup that may be applied to any product.

For each Price/Discounting record that contains a product, the unit must be entered. Price/Discounting records do not have to be set up for each unit conversion for this product.

Supplier Group

If you are using the Product Import module, specify a supplier group in this field. The system checks this field when pricing update files are imported and updated in the PI Entry Update Products Report.

Multipliers used in calculating prices and costs for each product imported in Supplier Link are based on the supplier group. These multipliers are set up in PI Price/Cost Multipliers Setup. When a price file is submitted by your vendor or the Trade Service Corporation, and transferred onto your system, the system checks the supplier group in this field for existing products. If this field is left blank, or does not match a PI Price/Cost Multipliers Setup record, this product is not updated with the new pricing information.


Specify the tier, tier group, and preference for a catalog product. A tier is a product attribute (such as quality, availability, location, and/or price) used in conjunction with a tier group and a preference. Select a value that you have defined in SA Table Code Value Setup type.

Terms Discount

Product-specific terms discount is used if the term is established as line-based in SA Table Code Value Setup. If product-specific terms discounts are used in Sales Order Entry, select this field to apply a terms discount.

Terms Discount %

If product-specific terms discounts are used in Sales Order Entry, specify the percent of the terms in this field. Product-specific terms discount is used if the term is established as line-based in SA Table Code Value Setup. If you established line-based terms in SA Table Code Value Setup and the discount percent for this product differs from the standard terms percent set up in SA Table Code Value Setup, specify the terms discount percent.

Tier Group

Specify the tier, tier group, and preference for a catalog product. A tier group is used to group products of the same tier together, so these products display in the Tiers and Preferences context widget. This is a free-form field with no validation, but it is key to using tiers and preferences.


Last Change Date

In Product Catalog Setup-General, a catalog product may be designated as hazardous by selecting the MSDS Product check box, specifying an MSDS sheet #, and specifying the date it was last changed. This information is used as a default if a catalog product is converted to a stocked product; the MSDS event is triggered when the conversion occurs. When the catalog product is put on an order as a nonstock, there is no special MSDS processing. If a hazardous catalog product is to be sold, it should be set up as a stocked product (regular or order-as-needed).

MSDS Product

Indicates the product is potentially hazardous and requires a Material Safety Data Sheet to be sent to the customer upon product procurement. Select this option if this is an MSDS product. SM Extended Hazardous Setup tracks the last purchase and the last date an MSDS form was sent out. When an MSDS form must be sent, a message appears on the bottom of the pick ticket. MSDS forms can be sent with the package, as specified on the pick ticket, or at a later time through the Product Hazardous Materials (MSDS) Report.

MSDS Sheet #

Indicate a specific sheet number associated with this MSDS product. Each time a customer must receive an MSDS form, the sheet number prints so the correct one is sent.


Cube / Length / Width / Height

The cube value is the volume for one stocking unit of this product. It is automatically calculated when you specify the height, length, and width of the product. If any of the dimensions are changed, the cube value is recalculated. The dimensions are validated by the system. A message is displayed if the cube ≠ length x width x height.

Length, width, height, and cube are displayed on the General tab after you create the catalog record.

If you use Total Warehouse Logistics (TWL) or cartonization, the dimensional values are required.

For TWL, the length, width, and height are required values if these conditions are met:

  • The Warehouse Logistic module is enabled in SA All Company Information Setup
  • An active TWL warehouse exists in the system

Dimensions on catalog records and TWL location records must use the same unit of measure. For example, if you measure products in inches, you must measure locations in inches. Because you cannot specify fractional units of measure for TWL locations, use the smallest equivalent unit of measure that is relevant to your products.

If cartonization is activated in SA Administrator Options-System, the dimensional values are used to determine which packages to use to pack the products for shipment. Entry of length, width, and height values on the catalog record might not required by the system, but the values are required for cartonization processes. The unit of measurement for the dimensional values is based on the Item Dimensional Size Measured in Cubic field on the Cartonization tab.

Taxation Weight
Optionally, you can calculate an industry tax by weight. This value used to calculate industry taxes when conditions are met. You must have enabled industry tax functionality in SA Company Setup, set up expanded tax groups in SA Table Code Value Setup, and set up a tax master record in SA Sales Use Tax Setup. When you specify amounts in the tax record, you must specify a Flat Excise Amount and set the Apply To field Taxation Weight. The Taxation Weight is differentiated from the actual weight of the product because the two weights may not be the same, and because the actual weight may be used to calculate non-tax-related amounts. The Taxation Weight default is 1.00000. The field allows 7 digits before the decimal and 5 after.

The weight of one stocking unit. Specify the weight as pounds and a fraction. This is used to meet weight targets on the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report. The total weight is printed on the pick ticket. It is also used by Sales Order Entry to determine and display the total weight of an order in Sales Order Entry-Totals.

Web Pages


The product website that is specified by the product manufacturer.


Your internal website for this product.


Transportation Freight Class

Select one of 18 NMFC freight classifications from the lookup. If this field is blank, the Transportation Freight Class defined in SA Administrator Options-Integrations-TMS Integration Options is used to rate the catalog product for LTL shipping in Sales Order Entry-Freight Rate Shop if you are using the Infor Rate Shopping - TM application.