EDI Entry Processing Rebates Report ranges and options


The report does not include ranges.


Update? (if ‘no’ Error Check Only)

Select No to view an exception report before the report is run in update mode. Select Yes to run the report in update mode. You can run the report in error check mode multiple times, but you can only update the report once.

Printer for log

Specify a printer for the log file.

A log is a listing of the records as they were encountered during processing. If there is a problem, use the log to identify when the system stopped processing. Only the partner identifier and the first six characters of each record is included in the log file.

EDI Flat File Directory

Leave this field blank.

Partial Process Vendor Receipts?

Specify Yes to create vendor receipt records in PD Rebate Reconciliation Entry even if the Vendor Rebate amounts falls outside of the reconciliation tolerances specified in Vendor Setup.

Specify No to prevent partial processing of Vendor Receipts that contains reconciliation discrepancies.

Fully Process Vendor Reconciliation?

Select Yes to automatically complete the vendor rebate claim process for Vendor Receipts with Line Reconciliation records that have an Updated status.

Select No to prevent the full processing of eligible vendor rebate claims.

Use a single journal for all postings?

Select Yes to create one journal for rebate reconciliation post entries to the GL. Entries that are related to a specific claim are posted to a specific set number within the journal.

Select No to create one journal per claim number.

Exchange Rate for Foreign Vendor

Optionally, if Foreign Rebates is selected in SA Administrator Options-Products-Rebates, then you can specify an exchange rate for a vendor foreign currency. Use this field only if the exchange rate you want to specify differs from the settings in SA Currency Setup. The field accommodates seven characters, including the decimal. If you leave this field blank, the appropriate exchange rate from SA Currency Setup is used.

Process Negative Transactions?

Select Yes to process negative transactions. Both the quantity and the line net rebate values for the invoice line must be negative to successfully process the transaction. Select No to not process negative transactions.

If you select No, Credit Transaction Skipped - Option set to not Accept is displayed in ED Electronic Transaction Control Center Entry (ETCC) when negative transactions are received.