Vendor Invoice Center Entry - Invoice Details - Purchase Order Header - Create - Quick Line Entry field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetic orders.
- Calculate Price Per Unit
If the item has Special Price Costing, you can specify the full line price in the Invoice Unit Cost, then click the icon to recalculate the unit price. The Line Net Amount is also recalculated.
Note: You can also select a line in the Products Added grid and click the icon in the grid. - Invoice Cost Qty
This is defaulted from the purchase order, but can be changed.
- Invoice Unit Cost
This is defaulted from the purchase order, but can be changed.
- Line #
Specify the number of the line you are costing.
- Line Net Amount
Defaults from the purchase order, but is recalculated if you change the Invoice Cost Qty or Invoice Unit Cost.
- Product
The product is defaulted based on the PO number and line you specify.
- Purchase Order
Specify the purchase order number.