Purchase Order Entry - Initiate field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Bill To Warehouse
Select the location where the vendor should send the invoice. This can be a different location than the shipto, although these locations are often the same. The Bill To address is contained in the header of the purchase order and you cannot override it unless you change the order. The Bill To is validated in Product Warehouse Description Setup.
- Buyer
Select the buyer responsible for purchasing the products in the product line on the purchase order. The buyer reviews the line and determines which products qualify on the purchase order. The buyer in this field is derived from Product Line Setup if you have specified a valid product line and shipto warehouse.
- Due Date
Select the date you are requesting the order be shipped. When you specify this date, it is contained in the header of the purchase order.
- Product Line
Select a product line for the vendor, or leave this field blank. If all products on this purchase order belong to the same vendor product line, you should specify the product line. Grouping products of the same line helps you meet certain vendor’s requirements for freight-free shipments or volume discounts. Then you can sell more competitively.
If you specify items from different product lines on the same purchase order, a message is displayed: Warning: Authorized Replenishment Path Not Followed; Vendor/Line Correct. If you specify a product line, the Vendor Purchase History Setup record is updated with the information from this purchase order. If you do not specify a product line, and the vendor on this purchase order matches the ARP vendor, the Vendor Purchase History Setup record is updated with the information from this purchase order.
- Purchase Order Type
Select the type of purchase order you are creating. The type, Purchase Order, is the default value. These are the types available:
- Purchase Order
- Quote
- Return Merchandise
- Blanket Order
- Accumulative
- Ship From #
Select a Ship From # if the vendor for this purchase order has multiple ship-from locations. Valid ship-from records are set up in Vendor Ship From Setup. When you select a ship-from, the appropriate information is loaded into the header of the purchase order.
- Ship To Warehouse
Select the Ship To Warehouse for this purchase order. When you specify a valid ship-to, the address of the warehouse from Product Warehouse Description Setup is loaded into the header of the purchase order. That information can be overridden.
If a Home Warehouse is specified for the operator in SA Operator Setup-Static Information, this field contains that default value. If the warehouse you specify is invalid, a message is displayed: Warehouse Not Set Up in Warehouse Setup – ICSD (4601).
Be aware that taxes are based on where goods are received, and not where the invoice is received. Therefore, the default value for the resale # for a new purchase order is based on the Product Warehouse Description Setup value for the receiving ship-to warehouse, not the billing warehouse.
- Ship Via
Select the method of shipping the purchase order. The value typically is derived from Vendor Setup or Vendor Ship From Setup records. Ship Via methods are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.
Note: If a vendor is set up in Vendor Setup with the Limit Ship Via option selected, only the ship vias assigned in Vendor Default Setup can be selected. Also, the Vendor and Ship From fields cannot be changed.
- Vendor
Select a vendor number for this purchase order. The vendor must be active and exist in Vendor Setup records. You cannot change the vendor number for existing purchase orders. After you click and access Select Products, the information for this vendor loads into the header record.