Sales Shipping Feedback Entry field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
Detail Update Default
- Header
When drilling down on an order in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, you can determine whether the Header or Line Items view is displayed by default. Select the Header option to default the Header view when you drill down on an order in the grid. Use this to see customer and order total information and all the necessary addon information and shipping information from the sales order header (OEEH record). You should only access the Header view to add or change addons or shipping instructions.
- Line Items
Select this option to default the Line Items view when you drill down on an order in the grid. The Line Items view on the Shipping Details window allows you to maintain the shipped quantities for the products, serial numbers, and lot numbers, and specify returned quantities as unavailable. You can process normal and returned lines from the Line Items view.
Shipping Feedback grid
The Shipping Feedback grid lists all orders that qualify based on the criteria you specified in the Search function.
- Central Distribution Center Status
If the order is a central distribution center (CDC) order, this displays the status of the order.
This field must be added to the grid using Personalization.
- Created Date
Displays the date that the order was created.
- Cube
Displays the total cube dimensions for the sales order.
- Customer
Displays the customer number. The value in this column links to the Customer Inquiry.
- Customer Notes
Indicates whether notes have been entered for this customer ship to.
- Disposition
Displays the order disposition.
- Exclude Orders On Hold
Displays orders that are not on hold.
- Invoice Amount
Displays the order's total invoice amount.
- Name
Displays the name of the customer.
- Order #
Displays the order number. The value in the column links to Sales Order Inquiry.
- Orders With Exceptions Only
Displays orders that do not have all of their serial and lot information allocated.
- Only Orders With A Shipped Quantity
Only displays orders that have a shipped and partial shipped quantity.
- Only Orders With Signatures
Only displays orders with signatures.
- Picked Date
Displays the date the order was picked in the warehouse.
- Picked Initials
Displays the initials of the individual who picked the order.
- Promise Date
Displays the date that the order was promised.
- Reference
Displays any reference to other documents or transmission methods, such as ION.
- Requested Ship Date
Displays the date that the order was requested to ship.
- Route
Displays the route/day/stop for this order specified on the Sales Order Entry-Header. If necessary, update the information in this field to change the truck delivery for this order.
- Ship To
Displays the customer ship to number. The value in this column links to Customer Inquiry.
- Ship To City
Displays the ship to customer's city.
- Ship To Name
Displays the ship to customer's name.
- Ship To Notes
Indicates whether notes have been entered for this customer ship to.
- Ship To State
Displays the ship-to customer's state.
- Ship Via
Displays the shipping method.
- Stage
Displays the order stage.
- Type
Displays the order type.
- Warehouse
Displays the warehouse from which the order is picked.
- Weight
Displays the product's weight.