Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report ranges and options


See Report ranges.


Recalc Report #
Specify the number of an existing PO Entry Program Purchase Report to test different case scenarios by selecting different options. If you use this option, the existing data is deleted and replaced with a new report with the same number.
Program Buyer
Specify the assigned buyer for this program purchase. This value overrides the buyer that is assigned to the product line in Product Lines Setup. Designate a central warehouse on the buyer's SA Tax Table Setup record or an exception occurs and processing stops. The program purchase is created for the designated central warehouse, and the products being reviewed must be stocked in this warehouse.
Specify the vendor for whom the program purchase is being run. The vendor is validated in Vendor Setup and must be an active record. If there are discrepancies, processing stops.
Enter List of Products or Product Lines?

Select Yes, and then click List to specify a list of products or product lines to process.

Ignore Extended Usage Less Than

Specify a value to limit the products that qualify, based on the value of a month's supply that is compared to the specified value. If the amount is less than the entered value, it is ignored. The product price is determined by one of these factors, and then multiplied by the Usage Rate in Product Warehouse Product Setup:

  • The current or future customer’s pricing records in PD Pricing Setup, determined by the Vendor Pricing Effective Date option
  • The value in the Cost field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults
Break point pricing is not considered when the extended usage is determined.
Buy Type: (P)rogram, (S)easonal, P(E)riod

Specify the processing logic to use to determine the order quantity.

Specify P when the goal is to purchase to a specified target, for example, a value or weight amount. The target is achieved using the historical usage for each period forward from the beginning period as indicated in the Periods to Purchase range. Additional periods are not considered if the target has not been reached in 12 months.

Specify S to use the Periods to Purchase beginning and ending ranges to determine demand and recommend a purchase quantity to cover the defined period. If a target is specified, this value is loaded to the Purchase Demand Center Entry record and used for adjustments that are made to reach the target value. This target is not used in this report.

Specify PE to buy to a range of periods or until the target level is reached.

Target Type: (Q)ty, (W)gt, (D)ollar, (C)ube

If you specified Program or Period buy type in the previous option , specify a target type or processing stops.

If you specify a target type and amount for a Seasonal buy, they are used in Purchase Demand Center Entry for percentage adjustments.

Target Amount

If you specified a value in the Target Type option, specify the quantity of the target type to attain.

If you specified Q in the previous option, specify the target type in stocking units.

Vendor Pricing Effective Date
Use this option to base pricing on customer’s pricing record in PD Pricing Setup. The customer’s pricing record must be active. The future date must meet the begin and end dates on the pricing record.

If a customer’s pricing record is not found, the vendor's price is taken from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record for the buyer's central warehouse. The price is based the value in the Cost field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults.

You can specify -1 to -7 in the day field to go back up to 7 days. For example, specify **/-7/** to use the current date less 7 days for the date.

Use PDSV Break Point Pricing?
Select Yes to calculate discounts or product price, based on the customer’s pricing record in PD Setup Pricing break points, after purchase quantities are determined. If the order below the target, make adjustments to the order in Purchase Demand Center Entry.
Order Disc: (E)nter, (A)PSV, (N)one
This discount is netted against the vendor's price.

Specify E to specify the discount percentage in the Enter Discount option.

Specify A to use the discount if the discount type is based on a percent. Discounts that are based on the amount are not supported by this report.

Specify N for no order discount.

Enter Discount

If the vendor is offering a discount from the purchase price, specify the discount percentage. It is applied to the calculations for all products.

Use this option only if you specified E for the Order Disc: (E)nter, (A)PSV, (N)one option.

Trend Percentage: (E)nter, (C)alc, (I)CSL

If selected, the trend percentage is applied to the forecast in all calculations and is used against the demand history. A trend percentage can be added to the calculation of order quantity to allow for adjustment of the usage forecast.

Specify E to specify a trend percentage in the Enter Trend Percentage option.

Specify C to use two years of usage history in this calculation:

  • Trend Percentage = Usage for Periods 2-13 divided by Periods 14-25

Specify I to use the trend percentage from Product Line Setup.

Enter Trend Percentage

If you specified E for the Trend Percentage: (E)nter, (C)alc, (I)CSL option, specify the trend percentage.

For example:

Specify 80 to order 20% less than the forecast quantity.

Specify 100 to order the forecast quantity.

Specify 120 to order 20% more than the forecast quantity.

Forecast Type: (F)orward, (B)ack, (S)plit

The suggested quantity to purchase each month can be based on one of these forecast types:

Specify F to backtrack one year from the forecast period and forward the specified number of months to calculate the average usage.

Specify B to backtrack the specified number of months from the current month to calculate average usage.

Specify S to backtrack one year from the forecast period and forward the specified number of months to calculate the average usage. In addition, a trend percentage is calculated in the first forecast period, based on the previous month of usage in the current and prior year. This trend factor is used for all remaining period forecasts. In a split forecast, specified trend factors are ignored.

If the starting period is greater than the current period, the forward forecast method is used in all instances. This is due to the lack of a previous month's history or forecast on which to base the next forecast. For the same reason, if the forward forecast lacks history, the last period that could be accurately forecast is duplicated.

The specified number of months that are used in the forecast types are specified in the Forecast Months option

Forecast Months

This represents the number of months that is used in the forecast. Specify 1 through 12.

Select a number of months that has available history for the forecast period. This value is especially important when forecasting a period into the future or when using the split forecast method.

Include Purchasing Net Available?

Select No to omit the purchasing net available quantities from the calculation. Select Yes to include the purchasing net available quantities in the calculation. The purchasing net available quantity is comprised of these components from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record:

  • On Hand
  • - Reserved
  • - Committed
  • - Back Orders
  • + On Order
  • + Received

If you select Yes and a product has a negative purchasing net available, then the negative quantity is included in the first forecast month. A negative purchasing net available can occur if a backorder exist but it there is nothing on the order.

For example, this is the forecast for the product without a negative purchasing net available:

Month 1 = 30

Month 2 = 60

Month 3 = 90

If the purchasing net available is -50, this is the forecast:

Month 1 = 50

Month 2 = 30

Month 3 = 30

The amount that is required to cover the backorder is added into the first month's calculated value.

Use Standard Pack Rounding?
Select Yes to use standard pack rounding to automatically round the buy amount to the nearest multiple of the standard pack. For example, suppose a product has a buy unit of each, a standard pack of dozen, and a calculated order amount of 13. If you select Yes, the order amount would be rounded to 12 products, or one dozen. If the calculated order amount of is 18, the order amount would be rounded to 24, or two dozen.

The exception to this occurs when the amount to buy is less than half of a standard pack. In this case, rounding does not occur.