Transfer Master List Report ranges and options


(S)hipping Co. or (R)eceiving Co.
Specify (S)hipping and the warehouse transfer ShipFrom (shipping) company must be the same as the global company. Specify (R)eceiving and the warehouse transfer ShipTo (receiving) company must be the same as the global company.
(W)T, (D)O, or (B)oth
Specify (W)T to print only warehouse transfers. Specify (D)O to print only direct orders. Specify (B)oth to print both types.
Stage to Print? (Blank for All)
Type the stage number to print those transfers in a specific stage. Leave this option blank to print transfers in all stages.
Print Backorders Only?

Back orders are created when the quantity ordered by a requesting warehouse is greater than the Net Available for a product. Back orders are identified by a suffix greater than -00. Select Yes to print only back orders. This option is used with the (W)T, (D)O, or (B)oth option.

Print Line Items?
Select Yes to print line item information. This greatly increases the length of the report; however, if there is a problem with the transfer, it could be related to a line item.
Print Serial# / Lot# Detail?
Select Yes to print the information directly associated with the serial numbers and lot numbers entered for each line.
Print Associated Line Item Comments?
Select Yes to print the line item comments. If you use comments extensively, this increases the length of the report.