SA Operator Information Report ranges and options
- Print G/L Defaults?
Select Yes to include the general ledger account codes that are specified on the Other Options tab of the operator record. Division, department and sub-account security settings are also printed.
- Print Operator Security Flags?
Select Yes to include the security settings that are included on the Entry Options and Controls tabs of the operator record.
- Print Security Level 1 thru 5?
Select Yes to include the functions with the corresponding security level on the report for each operator.
- Print Group Names?
Select Yes to include the groups that are assigned to the operator in SA Event Manager Group Setup.
- Print (C)HUI, (W)eb, or (B)oth
Specify C to print function security levels for the CHUI menu set. SpecifyW to print function security for the WebUI menu set. Specify B to print information for both the CHUI and WebUI menu sets.
The security levels that are included in the report are based on the Print Security Level 1-5 options.