Purchase Entry VMI Initial Product Data Load ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- Vendor #
- Specify the ARP vendor number set up on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. The initial product data load is specific to one vendor only.
- Distributor's ID
- Specify your distributor ID. This value is a unique identifier that is assigned by the vendor or selected by you. A distributor ID may represent a company or a warehouse. If distributor IDs are assigned by warehouse, you must run the Purchase Entry VMI Initial Product Data Load Report for each warehouse.
- Use Form (Form 1-4 Std, Others Custom)
- This option determines the format of the file. Forms 1 and 2 use fixed field lengths. Forms 3 and 4 use a character delimiter that is defined in the Field Separator option. The form that you select depends on your vendor's requirements.
- Field Separator
- If you selected Form 3 or 4 for the Use Form option, specify the character delimiter.
- Enter List of Products or Product Lines?
- To enter a list of products or product lines, select Yes and then click . If you enter a list, the ranges are ignored.
- Number of Months of History Needed
This value corresponds to the months usage in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering.
If you use Form 3 or 4, specify the number of months of product history to include on the report. The maximum value is 24.
If you use Form 1 or 2, this option is ignored. For Form 1, 24 months of history is automatically generated. For Form 2, 12 months of history is automatically generated.
- Tape Command (Shell Script File Name)
Leave this field blank.
- Command Type - (F)ile or (D)irect
This option is not used if the Export Type is ION BOD.
- Data File Name
Leave this field blank.
- (Continued)
Leave this field blank.
- VMI (ARP Type = 'm') Products Only?
Select Yes to include only products with a ARP type of VMI from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. This option applies to both ranges and lists of products and product lines. If you use specify a list of products or product lines, only products with an ARP type of VMI is included.
Select No to include all product types.
- Export Type (1 = EDI Flat File, 5 = ION BOD)
- Specify 5 to generate ION BOD output.
- Supplier ID
- Specify the vendor’s EDI Trading Partner code. This value is specified in Vendor Setup-eCommerce.