OT Vessel Entry - Overseas Trade Details - Header field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Actual Arrival Date
The actual date that the vessel arrived in the domestic port. This must not be a future date. The stage of any associated tracking documents moves to 4-Arrived when this date is entered.
- Actual Departure Date
The actual date on which the vessel left the overseas port. The stage of any associated tracking documents moves to 3-Shipped when this date is entered.
- Actual Unload Date
The actual date by which the containers on the vessel were unloaded and ready for shipment to your warehouse. This should not be a future date. Demurrage fees may apply once the containers are unloaded and stored in the port, so these dates should be monitored closely.
- Estimated Arrival Date
The estimated date that the vessel is due to arrive in the domestic port.
- Estimated Departure Date
The estimated date that the vessel is expected to depart the overseas port.
- Estimated Unload Date
The estimated date when the containers on the vessel will be unloaded and can be transferred to your warehouse.
- Revised Arrival Date
A revised date on which the vessel is due to arrive in the domestic port, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual arrival date.
- Revised Departure Date
A revised date on which the vessel is due to depart, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual departure date.
- Revised Unloaded Date
A revised date when the containers are available and ready for shipment to your warehouse, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual arrival date.
- Country of Destination
The vessel’s final country of destination. This must be set up in SA Table Values Setup-Country Code.
- Country of Origin
The country where the shipment on this vessel originates. This must be set up in SA Table Values Setup-Country Code.
- Ship Company
The name of the company carrying the shipment.
- Shipment ID
The shipment ID, if one has been assigned by the shipping company.
- Vessel Name
The name of the vessel. This value is carried over to any associated tracking documents in Transaction Entry.
- Voyage #
The number of the voyage assigned to this vessel. This value is carried over to any associated tracking documents in Transaction Entry.