GL Administrator Roll Budget Report ranges and options


Fiscal Year
Specify the fiscal year associated with the budgets to be rolled forward. Leave this field blank to use the current year.
Revision #
Specify the revision number of the budget to be rolled forward. If you specify a range of account codes and each has a different revision number, you can leave this field blank. The Budget Period Amounts of the last revision number for each budget are rolled forward.
First Period To
Optionally, specify a specific period. This is the first period to which the budget period amount rolls forward. The First Period To field must be greater than the ending From Period range.
If you leave this field blank and specified a range of periods in the From Period fields, one is added to the end of the range to determine the value in the First Period To.
Make certain that a budget will not roll past the final period of the year or an Invalid Period Range error will result. The First Period To value should not overlap the range entered in From Period.
Overwrite Existing Budget?
Select Yes to have the new budget override any budgets that already exist for the account codes specified.
Select No if the new budgets should not override existing budgets.
% Of Existing Amounts
The budget period amounts are multiplied by the factor you specify in the % Of Existing Amounts field to calculate the amount to roll forward. The maximum percentage you can specify is 999.99%. This can either be positive or negative. If you attempt to specify a percentage larger than 999.99%, an error message is printed on the report and no records are processed.
For example, to create a budget that is 90% of the current budget amount, specify 90 in this field. If the future budget amount is to be 10% above the current budget amount, specify 110 in this field.
Display Detail Lines?
Select Yes to see the account code, year, revision number, and total of period amounts for each budget record created.
Select No to see only the totals for all budget records created.
Allow Change to Annual Budget?
When you create a budget record, all period amounts are added to create an annual budget amount for that revision. If you change period amounts, the annual budget amount is usually left at its original value.
For example, the annual budget could be the amount allowed to be spent in the next fiscal year, and the period amounts are the amounts planned to fall within the annual amount.
Select Yes to create a new annual budget for each revision by totaling the period amounts each time a new revision is created.
Select No to leave the annual amount at its original value.