Customer Inquiry - General field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section. Click a link to advance to that section.
Customer / ShipTo / Group Information
- Accounts Payable Manager
The accounts payable manager is the customer, ship to, or group's representative who should be contacted regarding credit problems.
- Address
The customer, ship to, or group's address.
- Address Override
- This Address Override setting is displayed for information only. Address Override is part of the AvaTax Address Validation feature. The Address Override setting is selected during the AvaTax Address Validation process. This override makes the tax calculation with a General Delivery address to avoid an error. This is beneficial when the address is not in the United States Postal Service (USPS) database yet, such as with new construction.
- AP Phone
The phone number of the AP Manager.
- Average Days To Pay
Each time an invoice is paid, this amount is recalculated. This is useful in seeing how long, on average, it takes a customer to pay outstanding invoices.
- City
The customer, ship to, or group's city.
- Class
Based on the sales YTD and profit margin figures, and breaks the customer, ship to, or group into 13 classes. Class 1 is the highest and is reserved for those customers, ship tos, or groups who make the largest purchases. Class 13 customers, ship tos, or groups are considered to be non-profitable with low or nonexistent sales YTD.
- Country
The customer, ship to, or group's country of origin.
- Comment
Displays the comments you specified in the Comment field in the Contact section of Customer Setup-General. Used to give specific details about the customer, ship to, or group (for example, Extend credit).
- Credit Manager
The credit manager for this customer, ship to, or group. The credit manager is in charge of obtaining credit reports, maintaining and updating credit information, and approving credit.
- Fax #
If the customer, ship to, or group has a fax phone number, it is listed here.
- Group
If the customer, ship to, or group is a member of a group, it is listed here.
- Name
The full name of the customer, ship to, or group.
- Phone #
The customer, ship to, or group's telephone number. The number can include four digits for an extension.
- State
The customer, ship to, or group's state.
- Status
The record status can be Active or Inactive. The status initially defaults to Active. The only way to inactivate a record is uncheck the Active option in Customer Setup.
- Terms
The terms code that is assigned to the customer, ship to, or group. Terms set the parameters for cash discounts and service charges.
- Type
User-defined and can be used for reporting purposes.
- Zip Code
The customer, ship to, or group's zip code.
Period Balances
- (1) - (5) Period Balances
The dates that display in periods 1 through 5 are based on this information:
- the number of days entered for each aging period in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Balances
- the date that the Customer Entry Roll Balances Report was last run
Balances that display in periods 2 through 5 indicate the customer is past due. Click the aging periods to view transaction detail for that period.
Note: When an customer transaction is entered, the current period (1) is updated, regardless of the due date. When the Customer Entry Roll Balances Report is run, transactions are aged and placed into the appropriate period. - COD Balance
The COD Balance field is a running total. Each time an order with a C.O.D. payment type is placed, the value in the field is increased.
- Future Invoice Balance
The future invoice balance is based on the terms for each invoice, miscellaneous credit, or service charge.
- Misc Credits
The miscellaneous credit balance is subtracted from the total balance to determine the current condition of the customer's credit limit.
- Period Display Format
Select one of these options to control the manner in which periods are displayed:
- Duration- Periods are shown in 30-day increments.
- Dates- Periods are shown in date to/from format.
- Service Charges
The amount of service charge due from this customer.
- Show Balance for
The selection in this field determines which balance information is shown for the selected customer.
- Customer Only - Select this option to display balances for the customer only. No ship-to balances are included.
- Cust + 0 Lmt Shps - Select this option to display balances for the customer and any ship-tos with a zero credit limit.
- Total Exposure - Select this option to display balances for the customer and all ship-tos. When you access the Customer Inquiry, this is the default selection.
Each time you change one of these option settings, the values displayed in the Period Balances section are recalculated. In addition, when you select Customer Only or Cust + 0 Lmt Shps, the Available Credit line graph displays in the Credit Balances section. If you change the setting, it remains as long as you are in Customer Inquiry, even if you view other customer and ship to records. After you exit Customer Inquiry, the default returns to Total Exposure.
- Total Balance
The total of all periods, service charges, and future invoices, less any unapplied cash and miscellaneous credits. If service charges, miscellaneous credits, and unapplied cash display below the Total Balance field as memo items, they are included in the period balances. If they display above the Total Balance field, they are not included in the period balances.
- Unapplied Cash
The amount in the Unapplied Cash field is subtracted from the Total Balance to determine the current condition of the customer's credit limit.
Credit Balances
- # of Invoices
Updated by the Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing Report and is an infinite running total. Each time an invoice is processed for this customer, this total is updated.
- # of NSFs
- Number is displayed in conjunction with the automated customer payment reversal feature. When activated, customer payment reversals can be performed in Customer Payment Reversal Entry. If the Reversal Reason selected during the reversal is NSF Check, the database field is incremented by 1, even if no NSF Fee is charged. The total is updated.
- # of Pymts
Updated each time an invoice is paid and is an infinite running total.
- # Times Late
An infinite running total. Each time an invoice is paid that is past the due date, the # Times Late field increases by one.
- Acct Opened
The date on which the customer's account is established with your company. The current date defaults when the record is initially set up.
- Credit Established
The date this record was originally set up, or the date the account was established with the company.
- High Balance
The highest balance the customer has ever had.
- Hold Period
Indicates if holds are placed on orders for this customer.
- Last Past Due
The last invoice paid that was past the designated due date. This is not necessarily the last invoice paid.
- Last Pay
The amount of the last payment. It is not necessarily the highest invoice amount.
- Last Pay Date
- The date of the past payment. The last pay date is updated by Customer Cash Receipts Entry, Customer Entry Lockbox Update, and Sales Order Entry - ROA transaction. Tendering an order in Sales Order Entry does not update this date.
- Last Purchase
The amount of the last order processed through Invoice Processing or invoice posted through Customer Transaction Entry.
- Last Purchase Date
- The date of the last order processed through Invoice Processing or when an invoice was posted through Customer Invoice Center Entry.
Statement Balances
- Down Payments
Updated each time a down payment is received from this customer in Sales Order Entry and decreased when the order is processed by the Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing Report. The amount in this field represents down payments of non-invoiced orders. This is considered a liability to your company.
- Future Order
Updated when orders are entered with an order type of Future Orders with a future promised date. This balance reflects outstanding orders, not ones that have been invoice processed. This amount is included when determining whether the customer is over the credit limit.
- Last Pay
The date and amount of the last payment. It is not necessarily the highest invoice amount.
- Last Purchase
The date and amount of the last order processed through Invoice Processing or invoice posted through Customer Invoice Center Entry.
- Last Statement Balance
Updated during by the Customer Entry Statement Print Report, unless the statement is a demand statement.
- On Order
The balances of all outstanding order types in Sales Order Entry that are Stage 1 (Entered) or greater, excluding future orders and C.O.D. orders. These are orders that have not been invoice processed. This amount is included when determining whether the customer is their credit limit.
- Prior Statement Balance
The Customer Entry Statement Print Report moves the last statement balance to the Prior Statement Balance field.
- Rebates Due
Updated by the Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing Report and Customer Invoice Center Entry. Customer Invoice Center Entry can increase or decrease the rebates due balance.
Tax Details
The information in this section defaults from the Customer Setup record. See Customer Setup - Taxing field descriptions for more detailed information.
- City
- Displays the city in which the customer/ship to is taxed.
- County
- Displays the county in which the customer/ship to is taxed.
- Non Tax Reason
- Displays the reason why the customer/ship is not taxable. A reason is provided when the tax Status is Non Taxable or Variable.
- Other 1
- Displays an additional jurisdiction in which the customer/ship to is required to pay taxes. This might include a special taxing district, such as a library, police, or school district.
- Other 2
- Displays an additional jurisdiction in which the customer/ship to is required to pay taxes. This might include a special taxing district, such as a library, police, or school district.
- Status
- Displays the customer/ship to taxable status: Taxable, Non Taxable (exempt), or Variable.
- Tax Certificate #
- Displays the tax exemption certificate number provided for the customer/ship.
- Tax Certificate Expire Date
- Displays the date on which the tax certificate expires.
- Taxing State
- Displays the state in which the customer/ship to is taxed.
- Taxable Type
- Select the type of taxing information you want to display: Customer or Ship To. Values in this section change to match your selection.
Pricing Details
The information in this section defaults from the Customer record. See Customer Setup - Ordering field descriptions for detailed information on each field.
- Agent Phone #
- Displays the purchasing agent's phone number for a group.
- Disposition
- Displays the default disposition that is assigned to this customer. A disposition may be assigned if the customer's orders generally ship in the same manner. The disposition can be overridden when an order is entered for this customer.
- Freight In
- Indicates whether the freight in is required.
- Freight Out
- Indicates whether the freight out is required.
- Line Discount
- Displays the assigned line discount level, which determines which discount within a price records defaults when an order is entered for this customer.
- Order Discount
- Displays the order discount level that is assigned to this customer.
- Order Entry Special Price Costing Default
- Displays the default special price cost/costing information used for this customer: Product, Override Order Entry, or Not Special. This selection is made in Customer Setup-Ordering.
- Price Level
- Displays the default price discounting level for this customer if one is assigned.
- Price Type
- Displays the customer price type if one is assigned. Customer price types can be used to determine prices and discounts.
- Purchase Agent
- Displays the name of the group's purchasing agent.
- Route/Day/Stop
- Displays the assigned route/day/stop.
- Sales Rep In
- Displays the initials of the inside salesrep who receives credit for sales generated by this customer.
- Sales Rep out
- Displays the initials of the outside sales rep who receives credit for sales generated by this customer.
- Ship Via
- Displays the default form of transportation used to ship orders for this customer. It can be overridden when an order is entered.
- Type
- Select the type of pricing details you want to display: Customer or Ship To. Values in this section change to match your selection.
- Warehouse
- Displays the default warehouse for this customer's orders if one is assigned. It can be overridden when an order is entered.
- Created By
- This is a nonenterable field that is updated with the operator's initials when the record was created.
- Created Date
- This is a nonenterable field that is updated with the date when the record was created.
- Created Process
- This is a nonenterable field that is updated with the internal Distribution SX.e process or external process that created the record. For example, ARSC Create.
- Created Time
- This is a nonenterable field that is updated with the server time when the record was created.
YTD Balances
- Cash Discount
Updated through Customer Cash Receipts Entry. It is determined from the terms associated with each invoice. If the invoice is paid within the specified number of days, the customer qualifies for a cash discount. Cash Discounts YTD is a running total of all invoices.
- Cost
The costs for the current and previous year-to-date (YTD) for the total sales YTD for the customer.
- Gross Margin
The gross margin amount is calculated based on domestic sales and discount amounts. Before the gross margin calculation, the domestic sales and discount amounts are converted from foreign currency amounts using the current sales exchange rate.
- Gross Margin %
The gross margin percentage is calculated based on domestic sales and discount amounts. Before the gross margin calculation, the domestic sales and discount amounts are converted from foreign currency amounts using the current sales exchange rate.
- Rebates
An accumulation of all rebates that are given to this customer through one year.
- Returns
The amount of returns this year and last year. Orders with RM order types update this field.
- Sales
The customer's purchases this year and last year, less returns. To determine the total sales YTD for this customer, you must add the Sales YTD and Returns YTD fields together.
- Service Charge
The amount the customer has been service charged this year and last year.
- Unearned Discounts
Calculated from the terms associated with each invoice. If the invoice is not paid within the specified number of days, but the customer still takes the cash discount, the discount is considered unearned.
Total Exposure by Ship To
This section lists all ship to records for this customer and their total exposure amount. Click Period Balance by Ship To view for detailed information.
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