CR Reconciliation Center Entry - Matching Detail - Manual field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

GL Account
Use for a transaction type that is not already in the system, such as a Charge. This is the GL Account # to offset the bank GL posting for the reconciliation bank. If a GL Account # is specified in the CR Bank Setup record, that number is displayed by default.
Offset Bank
Use for a transaction type that is not already in the system, such as a Transfer In/Out. If the transaction moves money to another bank, select that bank.
Note: The SA Currency Setup Currency Code value for the bank is shown on the banner. The Currency Code value for the Offset Bank is displayed next to this field.
Offset Type
Field is only available if an Offset Bank was selected. Select a transaction type for the offset. Available values vary depending upon the value in the Transaction Type field.
Specify a reference, such as a transaction ID.
Transaction Type
Select a Check Reconciliation transaction type.
Note: The transaction type determines whether a Offset Bank or GL Account # value is required. For example, interest is posted only to the reconciliation bank and would not require an offset bank. A transfer would require an offset bank.