Sales Entry Advance Shipping Notice (856) Report ranges and options


See Ranges.


Order Types (S)O, (D)O, (B)R, or (A)LL

Specify S to include stock orders.

Specify D to include direct orders.

Specify B to include blanket releases.

Specify A to include all types.

Stage (S)hipped, (I)nvoiced, or (B)oth

Specify S to include Stage 3 (Shipped) of qualifying orders.

Specify I to include Stage 4 (Invoiced) of qualifying orders.

Specify B to include both stages of qualifying orders.

EDI Flat File Directory

Leave this field blank.

Enter List Of Order #’s?

Select Yes to enter an unlimited number of individual order numbers. Click List to display the Order List window.

An advance shipping notice date is not verified if a list of orders is specified. Advance shipping notices are sent for all orders entered.