Sales Order Entry - Taxes & Totals field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order by section.

Sales Use Tax (SUT) | Goods and Services (GST) | Value Added Tax (VAT)

Note: The title of this section varies based on the Tax Method selected in SA Company Setup. Certain fields are not relevant or displayed based on the Tax Method selected.

Specify domestic or government. If you select domestic, GST is calculated and charged to the customer. Counter sale orders do not override the tax authority.


Retain the default or select a more applicable City.


Retain the default or select a more applicable County.

Other 1 and 2

Retain the default or select a more applicable Other jurisdiction. Other tax jurisdictions, in which you are required to pay sales or use tax, can be specified in the Other 1 and Other 2 fields. This might include a special taxing district such as a library, police, or school district, or a locality such as a parish. This jurisdiction must be set up in SA Sales Use Tax Setup for this state, county, and city.

PST/GST Taxable

This information-only field is selected if PST or GST is charged on this order. If neither PST nor GST is charged, the field is not selected.

PST License #

The customer’s Provincial Sales Tax (PST) license that is required if the customer is exempt from paying PST on this order. If you remove the license number or one does not exist, PST is calculated for this order.

Reason (Taxable)

Specify a non-taxable reason if the order is non-taxable.

Special Tax Code

The Special Tax Code field is displayed only if a) you have enabled the Sales Use Tax (SUT) Tax Method in SA Company Setup, and b) have set the Tax Method, the Tax Interface, and the Tax Register and Geo Interface options. If the Special Tax Code field is displayed, and if the warehouse is located in an Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ), set this code to Urban Enterprise Zone.


Select or clear this option. Generally, the taxable type you specify on a customer record should indicate the customer’s normal taxing status because that status is automatically updated during Sales Order Entry. Use caution when overriding the default. Changes to tax status apply to all entered lines and taxes should always be recalculated at the time the change is made by clicking Recalculate. If a customer requests no taxes be calculated for this order, they should provide a copy of their tax exemption certificate.

Note: This option sets the taxable status of this order only. To change the tax rates or amounts on an order, you must select a jurisdiction in the grid and drill down to the Tax Detail window. Any changes to the tax amounts on the Tax Detail window are not saved unless you select an override reason. Also, the Allow Sales Tax Rate Override option must be selected in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options before you can select an override reason.
Taxing State or Province

Retain the default or select a more applicable state or province. The default value is updated from the Product Warehouse Product Setup, Customer Setup, or Customer Ship To Setup record. If your company is set up as a Canadian company in SA Company Setup, this field is titled Taxing Province.

Tax Detail

This section is available if you select System Rates as your Tax Interface in SA Company Setup. If you select AvaTax as your Tax Interface, the Tax Detail section is informational only.