Product Core Inquiry - Allocation field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Line #
The line number of the customer order, purchase order, or warehouse transfer that contains the core product.
- Manual Adjustment
Indicates whether the record was manually adjusted.
- Manual Date
The date the last manual adjustment was made.
- Manual Operator
The operator that made the last manual adjustment.
- Manual Time
The time the last manual adjustment was made.
- Order #
The original number of the customer order, purchase order, or warehouse transfer. Orders that correspond to the order type you select are displayed.
- Order Notes
If notes exist on the order, a symbol appears. Use the Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le Notes context widget to work with notes.
- Product
The original implied core charge on the line item.
- Product Notes
If notes exist on the implied core product record, a symbol appears. Use the Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le Notes context widget to work with notes.
- Quantity
The quantity allocated to the selected order.
- Return Line #
The Sales Order Entry order line number, which is tied to the Service Repair Order (SRO) or Return Merchandise (RM) purchase order.
- Return Order#/Return #
The Sales Order Entry return order, which is tied to the Service Repair Order (SRO) or Return Merchandise (RM) purchase order.
- Return Order Notes
If notes exist on the return order, a symbol appears. Use the Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le Notes context widget to work with notes.
- Return Order Suffix
The Sales Order Entry order suffix, which is tied to the Service Repair Order (SRO) or Return Merchandise (RM) purchase order.
- Sub
Indicates whether this transaction is for an implied core substitute that is received.
- Suffix
The suffix of the original customer order, purchase order, or warehouse transfer.
- Type
The type of order that contained the core product.
- Warehouse
The warehouse the original customer order, purchase order, or warehouse transfer was created for.