PI New Product Default Setup field descriptions


Import Type

Specify an import type to define new product defaults for. This must be a valid import type set up in PI Import Definition Setup.

Line Code
Specify the line code to define new product defaults for the vendor's product line. Leave this field blank if you do not import the product line, or if one is not provided in the import record. Leave blank to set up this PI New Product Default Setup record for all import records that do not have a matching line code. Refer to the search hierarchy. This line code may not be the same as the Product Line Setup. It should match the data in the import file that is mapped in PI Import Definition Setup as the Line field.
Note: In a Trade Service import, the information in this field can also be used for the product category. It can be used when creating new records if the T/S Comm Code field is set to Yes. In addition, the line code must be between 1-4 characters; the required length of a product category.
Vendor Code

New item default values can be defined differently for each vendor. Specify the vendor code from the import file. Do not use the Vendor Setup Vendor #. This code must match the data in the import file that is mapped in PI Import Definition Setup as the Vendor field. You have the option of creating PI New Product Default Setup records with a blank vendor code. These default values are used to create or update import items that do not contain a vendor code. They are also used where no other PI New Product Default Setup record exists with a matching vendor code. A record may be imported that does not contain a manufacturer or vendor code. The product may also not exist in your Product entity records. If these conditions are true, a new product default record is searched for by the system. That record matches the import type; and line code, if it is contained in the record.

This is the search hierarchy used during the import process to find a matching PI New Product Default Setup record:

  • A search is made for a PI New Product Default Setup record with a matching import type, vendor code, and line code;

  • If not found, a search is made for a matching import type, vendor code, and blank line code;

  • If not found, a search is made for a PI New Product Default Setup record with a matching import type, blank vendor code, and matching line code;

  • If not found, a search is made for a PI New Product Default Setup record with a matching import type, and blank vendor and line codes;

  • If no matching records are found, the product is not imported. If the PI New Product Default Setup record read does not allow the creation of Product Catalog Setup and Product Setup records, the product is not imported. A message is displayed on the PI Administrator Import File report.


    If you are setting up defaults for a Trade Service import file, the vendor code must be either four or six digits. The length depends upon the size of the NAED number set up in PI Import Definition Setup-Required. If the NAED number is nine digits in length, the vendor code specified here must be four digits [such as 6135]. If the NAED number is 11 digits, the vendor code must be six digits long. Ensure you include any leading or trailing zeros.

    See PI Import Definition Setup.


Create Catalog

Select the option to create Product Setup Catalog records during the update process for any new products in the import file. We recommend that you create catalog records for new products. Whether the item is new and does not already exist as a catalog item is determined by the system. Any products with the same product name, including any prefix or suffix and special characters, and Vendor # in the database is searched for.

If no match is found, an Auto Pricing type record is looked for in Product Setup Extended Cross References to find a tie to a product. If no match is found there, the new catalog record is created during PI Entry Update Products. If this option is not selected, and a current catalog record is found for the item, it is updated with any new information. This option can be overridden in PI Entry Edit Product Update File.

Create Product

You can also control whether Product Setup records are created during the update process. Clear the option to avoid creating Product Setup records for new products. If this option is cleared, and the Create Warehouse option is selected, warehouse product records may not get created if a product does not exist. Product Setup Warehouse Products records cannot be created until a valid Product Setup record exists in the database.

If this option is cleared and a current product record is found for the item, it is updated with any new information. This option can be overridden in PI Entry Edit Product Update File. If both the Create Catalog and the Create Product options are cleared, and the product does not already exist in Product Setup Catalog or Product Warehouse Product Setup, the record is skipped. This message is displayed: "Warning: No Catalogs or Products is Created".

Create Warehouse

Select this option to create Product Warehouse Product Setup records for new products during PI Entry Update Products. If you select this option, you should also select the Create Product option, unless Product Setup records already exist in the database. If this option is cleared, and a current warehouse product record is found for the item. That record is updated with any new information. This option can be overridden in PI Entry Edit Product Update File.

Description 1

When records are created in your database for new products, you can control how the product description is created. You can control what information is loaded into this field from Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup. Any values greater than 24 characters are truncated, unless you extend it to the next Description field. Use one, two, or all three description fields.

These are the options for Description 1:

  • Constant: Use the text specified in the adjoining Constant text field for the description.

  • Import: Use the value from the field mapped in PI Import Definition Setup for the description.

  • Product: Use the Vendor Setup Lookup Name plus the value from the Product field mapped in PI Import Definition Setup. A space is inserted between the two values before updating the description field in the catalog or product record.

Description 2

Select the option that determines how the Description 2 field in the catalog or product records is updated. These are the options:

  • Constant: Use the text specified in the adjoining Constant text field for the description.

  • Extension of Desc1: Use if Description 1 is longer than 24 characters. The excess is loaded into the Description 2 field. Before moving the additional characters, a space preceding the 25th character is scanned for by the system. All text beyond that point is moved into the second description.

  • Import: Use the value from the field mapped in PI Import Definition Setup for the description.

  • Product: Use the Vendor Setup Lookup Name plus the value from the Product field mapped in PI Import Definition Setup. A space is inserted between the two values before updating the description field in the catalog or product record.

  • Vendor: Use the Vendor Setup Lookup Name for the description.

Description 3

Select the option that determines how the Description 3 field in the catalog or product records is updated. These are the options:

  • Constant: Use the text specified in the adjoining Constant text field for the description.

  • Import: Use the value from the field mapped in PI Import Definition Setup for the description.

  • Product: Use the Vendor Setup Lookup Name plus the value from the Product field mapped in PI Import Definition Setup. A space is inserted between the two values before updating the description field in the catalog or product record.

Lookup Name

Select one of these options to determine how the Product Setup Lookup Name is created:

  • Constant: Use the text specified in the adjoining Constant text field for the Lookup Name field.

  • UPC: Use the 24-digit combined value of the fields mapped in PI Import Definition Setup as the UPC# to update the Lookup Name field.

  • Blank: Follow the parameters that are defined in SA Administrator Options-Product-Default for Product Lookup Name.


Specify a pricing multiplier. Select Base, List, or Cost. This value is loaded in the Multiplier field in Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup. The multiplier determines if price multipliers in PD Price Discounting Pricing Setup are multiplied against the product's base price, list price, or cost. The multiplier is used only if the PD Price Discounting Pricing Setup price multipliers are percentages, instead of amounts.

Price Sheet

Select if you are importing information from the Industry Data Warehouse (IDW) to create price sheets. The PV_PDSPS Price Sheets are created or updated.

Product Category

Specify the product category for the products in this import file. This is a required field. The category that is specified here is loaded in the Category field in Product Setup if a new product record is created.

Product Line

Specify the product line for these products. This is a required field. A product line must be designated for every new product record that is created in Product Warehouse Product Setup. The product line is used to group similar products together for each vendor. The product line that is specified here must be a valid record set up in Product Line Setup. This is loaded in the Product Line field in the Product Warehouse Product Setup record that is created during the update process, if you select the Create Warehouse option.

Product Prefix

The product number and name may be the same for some products for all suppliers or vendors. If so, you can make the number unique for each vendor. Do this by adding a prefix before updating the Product records. Any character can be used, and may be separated from the product number by placing a space between the prefix and the number. For example, to identify all fluorescent fixtures from the vendor, ABC Electrical Supply, you and define the prefix as "ABC". Select the option to place a space between the prefix and the product number. Adding a space may make the product number easier to read. It may, however, be more cumbersome for data entry. Any special character manipulations set up in the Exceptions tab take place before the prefix is attached.

Product Price

Select if you are importing information from Industry Data Warehouse (IDW) to create or update PD Price Discounting Pricing Setup Type 7 records for this manufacturer.

Product Price Type

Specify the product price type. This is loaded in the Price Type field in Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup when new records are created for this vendor's products. The price type you specify must be a valid price type set up in SA Table Code Values Setup. Otherwise, leave this field blank. If this field is left blank, new records are not be assigned a price type, and the price type for existing records are not changed.

Product Suffix

Specify a suffix that is affixed to the product number before Product records being created. Select the option to place a space between the product number and the suffix. Any special character manipulations set up in the Exceptions tab take place before the suffix is attached.

Rebate Sub Type

If applicable, specify the Rebate Sub Type associated with the Vendor Price Group.

Rebate Type

Specify the Rebate Type associated with the Vendor Price Group.

Supplier Group
Specify a supplier group for this vendor's products. This is loaded in the Supplier Group field in Product Catalog Setup or Product Setup. This supplier group should be a valid group set up in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup; although, it is not validated.
The Supplier Group field might have been left blank, or has not been set up in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup. If so, the Supplier Group field in Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup is not loaded when the product or catalog record is created. Then, the record is never be updated by Product Import again. When Product records are updated during PI Entry Update Products, a search is made for a matching supplier group before processing that record. If the current product or catalog record does not have a supplier group defined, it is ignored by Product Import.
Trade Service Commodity Code

This option is only for Trade Service Company imports. Select the option to have the commodity code be used for the product category when creating new records. If this feature is used, the commodity code must be 1-4 characters; the required length of the product category field. If you select this option, and the line code is blank or more than four characters, no error message is displayed. However, the PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup record is not used. You are still required to specify a product category, but the line code overrides it if the Trade Service Commodity option is selected.

Use Price Group

Select this option if you are using Vendor Price Groups with Industry Data Warehouse (IDW). When import records are created, vendor price group numbers in the import file are checked by the system. System checks are also made to determine whether the number matches up with one defined in SA Table Code Values Setup. If a match is not found, an exception is created.

Vendor #

Specify the Vendor # from the Vendor Setup record from whom you usually order the products in this import file. It may be different from the vendor code that is specified in the search. During the update process, a search is made for Product Line Setup records. The records must match the warehouse, product line as specified in Product Line field, and this vendor. If matching Product Line Setup records are found, the ARP type from the Product Line Setuprecord is loaded into the Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record that is created. If you are importing a file using import definitions for a specific warehouse, only that warehouse record is created. If you are updating all warehouses, a check is made for all active Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup records.

Vendor Price

Select if you are importing information from Industry Data Warehouse (IDW) to create or update PD Price Discounting Pricing Setup vendor price records for this manufacturer.

Special Characters-Search and Replace

Use the Search and Replace section to remove, replace, or alter occurrences of text strings found in the product number, product descriptions, or both. If a prefix or suffix is being added to the product numbers, it is done after special characters have been manipulated. As with the information set up in the General tab, the information set up here must not be changed once you have begun importing files.


Select the action to take for the Search string. Select from Delete, Prefix Before, Replace, or Suffix After.

Find Character

Specify the text string to search for. This may be slashes (/), dashes (-), or any other special characters. A space should be specified within double quotes; for example," ".


If you selected an action of Replace, specify the text string to replace the Search string with. This may be a space or any other character. A space should be entered within two double quotes; for example, " ".

Special Characters

The first column determines what fields should be affected. Select Product to search and alter characters in the product number only. Select Description if only the description fields should be affected. Select Both to affect both the product name and the description fields. Up to six entries can be defined.