Customer Setup - eCommerce field descriptions

The fields are listed alphabetically within each section. Click a link to advance to that section.

Document Send Types

Advanced Shipping Notice

eCommerce Settings

Inbound Purchase Order Settings

Web Pages

API Configuration

Document Send Types

Acknowledgments (EDI 855)

Select an output format for sales order acknowledgments. If you do not send acknowledgments electronically, leave this field blank.

Select Fax to fax the document and print a copy of the document for your files.

Select EDI to send the document in the output format that is selected in the EDI Format field for Acknowledgements in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing.

Select ION to send the document in a SyncSalesOrder BOD.

Select Email to email the document. When you select this option, the Select Email Address page opens. Select one or more email addresses, and then click Save. The addresses that are listed are from Customer Setup, Customer Ship To Setup, and the Contacts context application.

When the Sales Entry Processing Acknowledgments Report is run, the selected output format is generated only if Yes is selected for the corresponding Print to Where Appropriate? option. For example, if EDI or ION is selected, Yes must be selected for Print to EDI Where Appropriate?. If you print an acknowledgment on demand in Sales Order Entry, you must select Use Where Appropriate.

Advanced Shipping Notice (EDI 856)

Select an output format for advanced shipping notices. If you do not send notices electronically, leave this field blank.

Select EDI to send the document in the output format that is selected in the EDI Format field for Advanced Shipping Notices in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing.

Select ION to send the document in a SyncAdvanceShipNotice BOD.

Invoices (EDI 810)

Select an output format for sales order invoices. If you do not send invoices electronically, leave this field blank.

Select Fax to fax the document and print a copy of the document for your files.

Select EDI to send the document in the output format that is selected in the EDI Format field for Invoices in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing.

Select ION to send the document in a SyncInvoice BOD.

Select XML to send the document in an XML file.

Select Email to email the document to the customer. When you select this option, the Select Email Address page opens. Select one or more email addresses, and then click Save. The addresses that are listed are from Customer Setup, Customer Ship To Setup, and the Contacts context application.

Select Print Hard Copy in Service Management to both print and email the invoice.

If you are integrated to Billtrust, select Do Not Distribute to prevent invoices from being sent to the customer or ship to. A customer or ship to might opt not to receive invoices if most of their business is counter sales, or they make payments based on statements.

When the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report is run, the selected output format is generated only if Yes is selected for the corresponding Print to Where Appropriate? option. For example, if EDI or ION is selected, Yes must be selected for Print to EDI Where Appropriate?. If you print an invoice on demand in Sales Order Entry, you must select Use Where Appropriate.


Select an output format for proposals. If you do not send proposals electronically, leave this field blank.

Select Fax to fax the document and print a copy of the document for your files.

Select Email to email the document. When you select this option, the Select Email Address page opens. Select one or more email addresses, and then click Save. The addresses that are listed are from Customer Setup, Customer Ship To Setup, and the Contacts context application.

You must select Yes for the Print to Email-Fax Where Appropriate? report option when you fax or email the proposal.


Select an output format for statements. If you do not send statements electronically, leave this field blank.

Select Fax to fax the document and print a copy of the document for your files.

Select Email to email the document to the customer. When you select this option, the Select Email Address page opens. Select one or more email addresses, and then click Save. The addresses that are listed are from Customer Setup, Customer Ship To Setup, and the Contacts context application.

You must select Yes for the Print to Email-Fax Where Appropriate? report option when you fax or email the proposal.

Update Ship To
Select this option to update the customer's Customer Ship To Setup records with eCommerce information. If you use this option, you can set up a generic customer record and use the Ship Update option to update the customer's ship to records automatically.

Advanced Shipping Notice

Send To

The location where the Advanced Shipping Notice is sent. Select Customer or leave blank to update the Grouping field for ship to records. See the table in the Grouping description for results that are based on various Send To and Grouping combinations.


Indicate whether you want to send the transmission grouped by order, customer order, shiptos, or group. If you specified Customer in the Send To field, you can select Order or Send To Customer. If you left the Send To field blank, you can select Sent To ShipTo or Sent To Group. These options update the corresponding field on Customer ShipTo Setup records.

This table shows the results of different values in the Send To and Grouping fields:

Send To Grouping Result
Customer Order One EDI 856 Advance Ship Notice is sent per order to the customer’s location.
Customer Sent To Customer Orders are grouped into one EDI 856 transaction set for each customer to the customer’s location.
Blank Sent to Ship To This Sent To Ship To default setting updates the Grouping field on ship to records that you create after you save the customer record.
Blank Sent To Group This Sent To Group default setting updates the Grouping field on ship to records that you create after you save the customer record.

eCommerce Settings

Acknowledgement Version

Used for order acknowledgments, EDI Document 843 - Response to a Request for a Quote to Customer. This is the number of the ANSI X12 version that you use with this trading partner.

Change Reason Code

This field is user defined and correlates to the ANSI X12 Element 371 Change Reason Code. See your ANSI X12 Standards manual for more information on the correct entry.

EDI User 1-3

These are user-defined fields. They are implemented if custom EDI modifications require their use.

Invoice Version

This field is used for order invoices, ANSI X12 Document 810 - Invoices to Customer. This is the number of the ANSI X12 version that you use with this trading partner.

Order Status Code

This field is user defined and correlates to the ANSI X12 Element 368 Shipment/Order Status Code. See your ANSI X12 Standards manual for more information on the correct entry.

Partner Code

The code for the EDI trading partner. You must specify this value at the customer level. You can also specify this value for a ship to if the ship to has an individual trading partner code.

Inbound Purchase Order Settings

Catalog Product

If you select this option, Product Catalog Setup records are checked by the system to determine a match for product numbers. Because a catalog product is created as a nonstock product, the nonstock product option must also be selected. If Catalog Product is not selected, inbound product numbers are not validated against Product Catalog Setup records.

Just In Time Orders

If you select this option, and one of these condition is met, the promise date and ship date are checked at the line level.

  • The order is a JIT order.
  • Allow Req/Prom Dates Entry on Lines for Non JIT orders in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Order-Entry Settings is selected.

If the values are not specified at the line level, the dates auto-fill from the header values and can be overridden. The requested ship date cannot be later than the promise date.

Non-Stock Product

Select this option to allow nonstock products to be created. The tie information must be manually set up. If this option is not selected, nonstock products are not created for products that cannot be validated. Because catalog products are created as nonstock, this indicator must also be selected if the Catalog Prod option was selected. A header note lists all line items that could not be created and an exception is generated.

Price Override

Select this option to use the price received in the transaction. This generates an exception so you can validate the price. If this option is not selected, this hierarchy is used to check system records for validation:

  1. Customer ShipTo Setup
  2. Customer Setup
  3. Business rules
Print Notes/Comments

Select this option to set the print status for order notes and line item comments to Yes.

Terms Override

Select this option to use the terms code received in the transmission. This hierarchy used to check system records for validation:

  1. Customer Ship To Setup
  2. Customer Setup
  3. Business rules

If this option is selected, but no term code information is sent, the order uses the term code from Customer Setup and Customer ShipTo Setup. An exception is generated.

Web Pages


Specify the address is for the website that is displayed when you select Internal from the system web browser.


Specify the address for the website that is displayed when you select External from the system web browser.

API Configuration

Specify a unique identifier for each customer to tie an API user with a CloudSuite Distribution customer. This tie ensures that data returned in the calls is restricted to the customer. You may also need to specify security options, such as cost visibility, in SA Operator Setup records for any customers allowed to use your API.