BD Truck Master Setup - General field descriptions

Field descriptions are presented in alphabetic order.

# Compartments

This field is for display only. The # Compartments is updated by values specified on the BD Truck Master Setup-Compartments view.


When a truck master record is created the Active field is selected automatically. Uncheck this field if this vehicle is no longer active or is out of service. Only active trucks are selected when assigning deliveries in BD Load Center Entry.


Specify a description for this truck.

Total Capacity

This field is for display only. The Total Capacity is updated by values specified on the Compartments view.

Truck Type

Select a truck type. Truck types are set up in SA Administrator Table Code Value Setup-Bulk Delivery Truck Type.


Select the unit of measurement for the truck compartment(s). Bulk Delivery units are set up in SA Administrator Table Code Value Setup-Bulk Delivery Unit.


Specify the warehouse this truck is assigned to. This is a required field.