01/14/2017 Fri 13:50 Co: 4 H & H Distributing- NxTrend Development apra Oper: doc Page: 2
Accounts Payable Transaction Activity Report
Invoice/Seq/Type Tr St Inv Dt Due Dt Disc Dt Jrnl# Per Org Amt Ttl Amt Paid Amt Disc Taken Amt Due
Vendor #: 601 West Side Whole Current Balance: 1130.91
4-601 IN A 01/31/17 03/02/17 02/10/17 2611 299 1000.00 1031.50
001 SP I 01/31/17 03/02/17 02/10/17 2612 500.00 (CR Applied) 1.00
Reference: invoice type 0 CM# 6-601 01/21/17
002 SP I 01/31/17 03/17/17 03/17/17 2612 500.00 (CK 6017) M 60.00 0.00
003 SP A 01/31/17 03/02/17 02/10/17 499.00 499.00
004 SP A 01/31/17 03/17/17 03/17/17 440.00 440.00
6-601 CM I 01/21/17 02/20/17 01/31/17 2614 299 1.00- 1.00- 0.00 0.00 0.00
Reference: IN# 4-601 01/31/17
8-601 DM I 01/21/17 02/20/17 01/31/17 2609 299 31.50 31.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Reference: dr. memo to 4-601 IN# 4-601 01/31/17
95213 IN A 01/31/17 03/02/17 02/10/17 2615 299 160.41 160.41
001 SP A 01/31/17 03/02/17 02/10/17 80.21 80.21
002 SP A 01/31/17 03/17/17 03/17/17 80.20 80.20
------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Total Invoice Records: 4 1190.91 1222.41 61.000.0 1130.91
Misc Cred:
5-601 MC I 01/21/17 2612 299 1003.00-(Reversed)
Reference: misc. credit
5-601 RV I 01/21/17 2601 299 1003.00-
Reference: rev. credit memo
------------- -------------
Total Active Misc Credits: 0.00 0.00
RB 01/21/17 2480 299 1002.00
Total Rebates: 1002.00
CK 01/31/17 2397 299 60.00 (CK 6017)M
Total Checks: 60.00
Total Due: 1130.91
Total Invoice Records: 4 1190.91 1222.41 61.00 0.00 1130.91
Total Active Misc Credits: 0.00 0.00
Total Due: 1130.91
Tran (Transaction):
IN=Invoice RB=Rebate SP=Sched. Pay VD=Void Check
MC=Misc.Credit CM=Credit Memo CK=Check DM=Debit Memo
Scheduled Payments Show Sequence Number and Invoice Pay Type if Entered