Customer Billing Setup field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Charge Freight
Select this option to charge freight. When a match is found between customer, ship to, customer type, ship via, warehouse, or carrier, this field is used to help determine if freight from the shipping interface is added to freight out on the sales order.
These conditions determine if charges are added to the freight out addon.
- Freight from the shipping interface is not added to Addon 2 if the amount for freight out has been updated on the order in Sales Order Entry and the External Shipping Override option was selected. External Shipping Override is located in Sales Order Entry-Taxes & Totals-Addons. If External Shipping Override is not selected, then freight from the shipping interface is added to Addon 2 for the order. Addon 2 is not considered overridden if you change from an amount to a percent, or one percent amount to another percent amount. Addon 2 is considered overridden if you change from a percent to an amount, or one amount to another amount.
- Freight is not added to Addon 2 if either Charge Freight or Charge Freight on Back Order is not selected.
- Freight from the shipping interface is added to Addon 2 if condition # 1 does not apply and if Charge Freight and Charge Freight on Back Order are selected.
- If a Customer Billing Setup record does not exist, charges are not calculated in the shipping interface, but freight is. The freight that is calculated is added to Addon 2 if condition # 1 does not apply.
- Carrier
To search for or create a carrier billing record, select this option in the Billing Type field and then specify a carrier. The carrier is validated against the carrier portion on the Ship Via codes set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. At least one ship via code must contain the carrier code you specify here.
See Ship Via.
- Customer #
To search for or create a customer billing record, select this option in the Billing Type field and then specify a customer.
- Customer Type
To search for or create a customer type billing record, select this option in the Billing Type field and then specify a customer type.
The Customer Type is a user-defined field that is assigned to a customer in Settings section of Customer Setup-General. The customer type can be used to group customers together for updating General Ledger or charging a handling charge. You can group similar customer types to update the General Ledger income statement. You can only specify types that are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-Customer/Industry Type.
- Flat Rate Per Order
If the charges are to be a fixed amount per order, specify the amount in this field. This charge is applied to an order one time, regardless of the number of packages being shipped. This field can be used in combination with the Flat Rate Per Package and Percent of Total Freight charges.
- Flat Rate Per Package
If the charges are to be a fixed amount per package, specify the amount in this field. This charge is applied to each individual package of an order. This field can be used in combination with the Flat Rate Per Order and Percent of Total Freight charges.
- On Back Orders
If freight is to be charged on a back order, select this option. When an order with a back order is shipped through a 3rd party shipping application, this field helps determine whether freight should be charged. If freight should not be charged on back orders, leave this option blank.
This does not apply to blanket releases that are created in Sales Order Entry. Blanket releases use the Charge Freight option only if the Back Order option on the Blanket Release is not selected.
- Percent of Total Freight
If the charges are to be a percentage of the total freight, specify the amount in this field. This field can be used in combination with the Flat Rate Per Order and Flat Rate Per Package charges.
This example shows a flat rate per order of $2.00, flat rate per package of $1.00, and 10% of the total freight. The $2.00 charge covers the fixed overhead cost of the Shipping Department. The $1.00 per package charge helps cover the variable overhead cost of the Shipping Department. The additional charge of 10% of the total freight bill helps cover the variable overhead cost of processing Accounts Payable invoices through the Accounting Department.
- Flat Rate Per Order: $2.00
- Flat Rate Per Package: $1.00
- % Total Freight: 10%
If the Freight field in the shipping interface is equal to $6.50, then:
- Pkg 1 charges = $2.00 + $1.00 + (10% x 6.50) = $3.65
- Pkg 2 charges = $1.00 + (10% x 6.50) = $1.65
- Total charges = $5.30
- Total freight = $6.50
- Amount added to Addon 2 = $11.80
- Ship To
To search for or create a ship to billing record, select this option in the Billing Type field and then specify customer and a ship to. The ship to record must be setup in Customer Ship To Setup.
- Ship Via
To search for or create a ship via billing record, select this option in the Billing Type field and then specify a ship via code.
Ship via codes are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. This four-character code, which is used to identify the carrier and freight method, is user-defined. The first three characters should identify the carrier. The fourth character should identify the freight method. For example, if the carrier is Federal Express and the freight method is ground, the ship via code could be FDXG.
If you have several ship via codes for Federal Express, you can set up individual freight charges for each ship via code, and set up a freight charge for the carrier FDX.
- Warehouse
To search for or create a warehouse billing record, select this option in the Billing Type field and then specify a warehouse. The warehouse must be set up in Product Warehouse Description Setup.