SA Administrator Options - Documents - Transfer Orders - Processing field descriptions
Intercompany Transfers
- Allow Intercompany Transfers
This option controls the creation of transfers in the Ship From Warehouse. If you permit stock transfers to warehouses in other companies, select this option and specify the Intercompany GL Account number.
- Intercompany GL Account
Specify the Intercompany GL Account number only if you selected Allow Intercompany Transfers option. The account is validated against GL Accounts Setup.
If you allow intercompany transfers and do not specify an account, the General Ledger Suspense accounts, which are set up in SA Company Setup, are updated.
When a warehouse transfer is shipped between companies, inventory is moved from the General Ledger Inventory account and into the General Ledger Intercompany Transfer account. After the product is received at the Ship To Warehouse, the Intercompany Transfer account is decreased and the Ship To Warehouse’s Inventory account is increased.
Transfers recorded between warehouses within one company update the General Ledger account codes specified in Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup.
- Back Orders - Create Back Orders at Ordering/Picking/Shipping Stage
Use this option to designate the stage at which back orders are created.
- If you select Ordering, a back ordered is created when the total quantity available to ship on a transfer is less than the quantity ordered.
- If you select Picking, a back order is created after the transfer is picked. Any line items which cannot be filled are moved to a back order. Stage 2 is the recommended stage for back order creation. It clearly separates the original document from the back order and ensures that lines are not picked multiple times.
- If you select Shipping, a back order is created during Transfer Shipping Feedback Entry.
- Default Lead Time on Non-ARP Transfer
For a regular Authorized Replenishment Path, ARP, or transfer, the due date is calculated using the lead time days set up in Product Warehouse Product Setup and the order date specified on the header in Transfer Entry. The lead time days in Product Warehouse Product Setup is based on the ARP. Because of this, the same lead time days cannot be used when a non-ARP transfer is entered. The default lead time days specified here is used as the lead time for a non-ARP warehouse transfer.
- Force Entry of Quantity Received During Receiving
During Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory or Transfer Exception Receipts Entry, you can:
- manually specify the quantity for each line received or
- automatically display all lines and the quantities as they were initially entered.
Select this option to force receiving personnel to specify a quantity received; the quantity initially ordered is not displayed.
If you do not select this option, the quantity initially ordered is displayed. You can override the value if it differs from the quantity actually received. This method is sometimes faster. The number of lines requiring changes should be less than the total number of lines on the transfer.
- Lot Number Entry
Specify the default method you want to use to select lot numbers when they are assigned during Transfer Entry or Transfer Shipping Feedback Entry.
- If you select Select, all lot numbers for the product are displayed in the grid. Select the lot(s) you want to use and specify a quantity.
- If you select Enter, you can manually specify the lot numbers. The lot numbers you specify are validated against Product Extended Lot# Setup records.
- If you select Oldest, you can click the button when assigning lots to automatically select the oldest lot number(s), based on the Open Date on the Product Extended Lot# Setup records.
- Require Order for Non-stock Items
Nonstock products are those not regularly carried in inventory. Typically, when a customer places an order for a nonstock product, you must order it from your vendor or another warehouse. This should be the standard method of processing nonstocks. If a nonstock product is entered on a warehouse transfer, select this option if you require an existing sales order. This prevents ordering nonstock products from a vendor or warehouse without having an existing order from a customer or transfer from another warehouse. If you do not require an existing sales order, do not select this option.
- Serial Number Entry
Specify the default method you want to use to select serial numbers when they are assigned during Transfer Entry or Transfer Shipping Feedback Entry.
- If you select Select option, all serial numbers for the product are displayed in the grid. Select the serial number(s) you want to use.
- If you select Enter, you can manually specify the serial numbers. The serial numbers are validated against Product Extended Serial# Setup records.
- If you select Oldest, click when assigning serial numbers to automatically select the oldest serial number(s), based on the receipt date on Product Extended Serial# Setup records.
- Auto Ship WT When Using External Shipping Integration
If you are using a third-party shipping application, select this option to automatically ship warehouse transfers. The warehouse transfer undergoes several checks to ensure that it is ready to ship. These checks include serial and lot number assignment and ship quantity available. If the transfer is ready for shipment, a single General Ledger journal is opened for Warehouse Shipping Transfer Entry, all lines with a ship quantity are processed, and back-order processing occurs. After a warehouse transfer is shipped, it cannot be unshipped in Distribution SX.e.