Customer Entry Lockbox Update Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- Mode: (E)dit or (U)pdate
Specify E to generate a report that you can review before you update files.
Specify U to run the report in update mode. The transactions in the ARBCH/ARBCL batch file are posted to Accounts Receivable and General Ledger. After the update is complete, the batch files are cleared of processed records and deleted.
- Post Ready Only?
Select Yes to post only those transactions that are ready.
Select No to post all transactions, including those that are suspended.
- Bank Number
Specify the bank number to apply this lockbox batch. This value must be a valid bank number that is set up in CR Bank Setup.
- Posting Date
Specify the date to assign to each transaction. If an invoice date already exists on a batch transaction, the posting date is not used. If you receive EDI 820 documents through Process RemittanceAdvice BODs, the posting date from a BOD overrides the value on the report.
Leave the default value of **/**/** to use the current date. If updating a previous period, use the current date to keep an audit trail of the posting sequence. A posting date outside of the posting period causes balancing issues when you run the Customer Trial Balance Report or the Customer Balancing Audit Report.
Specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day segment to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the current date less 7 days is used for the date.
- Posting Period
Specify the calendar period to update. Leave the default value of **** to use the current date. If you are on a calendar year or fiscal year, specify the calendar month. Specify the fiscal period if you are on a 13-period fiscal year.
To go back one period, specify -1 in this field. If you specify -1**, the period before the current period of the current year is used. For example, if the current period is 0820, 0720 is used for the report.
If you receive EDI 820 documents through Process RemittanceAdvice BODs, the posting period from a BOD overrides the value on the stored report.