Customer Days to Pay Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- Update Customer Records?
Select Yes to update the customer records specified on the ranges page with the new average days to pay calculation. This also updates the customer master records with the recalculated average days to pay. If you select Yes and there are no transactions for the specified date range for a particular customer, No Payment Records Found prints under the customer information on the report. No transaction detail is provided for the customer in this case. The status of each customer, active or inactive, is shown under the Status column on the report.
The Average Days to pay in Customer Setup is not updated or reset for inactive customers with no activity.
Select No to recalculate the average days to pay without updating the customer records. Use this option to review the results before updating the customer records.
- Update if No Transaction Records?
Indicate if you want to update the average days to pay on the customer records even if no transaction records exist for the invoice dates specified on the ranges page. If no transaction records exist for the specified ranges entered, the average days to pay is calculated as 0 (zero).
Select Yes to update the customer’s average days to pay with 0 in the event that transaction records do not exist.
Select No if you do not want to update the customer record with an average days to pay of 0. When you select No for this option, it overrides the Update Customer Records option in the event that no transaction records exist.