SA Table Code Value Setup - Terms field descriptions
- # of Payments
If the Split Pay field is set to Yes, specify the number of payments the invoice should be split into.
- C.O.D
Select this option to automatically select the COD option in Sales Order Entry. This does not affect the setting in Purchase Order Entry and Vendor functions.
- Credit Card Only
Select the Credit Card Only option to enable entering credit card information on orders with zero lines to ship and the order is a hold transaction. Credit card transactions will be created as order lines begin to fill and ship. You must then select the Credit Card Type, as set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-Terms, that this option is associated with on the header of the sales order. You can also use Credit Card Only terms when tendering against an order with a shipped quantity.
- Date
If the Discount Type field is set to Date, specify the date through which the cash discount is offered. This date establishes the date the discount period is over.
- Date
If the Due Type field is set to Date, specify the due date of the invoice in this field.
- Days
The length of your discount period. Specify the number of days from the invoice date that the discount is in effect. For example, for the terms of 2%/10, n30, specify 10 in this field.
- Days
The length of your billing period in days. The number of days before the invoice becomes past due. For example, terms of 2%/10, n30 require you to specify 30 in this field.
- Discount Type
Select Days if the terms are based on a specific number of days from the invoice or billing date. Select Prox if you will use the proximity method. Select Date if the discount type is based on a specific date. Select None if a discount type is not allowed. If you select None, the system sets the discount date to the invoice date.
- DNBi Credit Limit
If you are integrated with Dun & Bradstreet web services (DNBi), use this field to optionally assign a default credit limit to be used in the SXAPIARCustomerMnt call. This limit defaults to zero. The terms default credit limit overrides the SA Administrator Options-Default credit limit if that default is not zero.
- DNBi Interface
If you are integrated with Dun & Bradstreet web services (DNBi), use this option to indicate which terms determine whether a call is made to the DNBi credit check. This option is used in conjunction with other settings, such as the Country table type, SA Administrator Options-Integrations-DNBi Integration Options, and Customer Setup.
- Due Type
Select Days to calculate the due date using a number of days from the invoice date. Select Prox to use the proximity method. Select Date to base the due date on a specific date.
- EDI Date Code
If you use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), specify the Terms Date Code as defined in the element table (Element 333) of the ANSI X12 Standards manual for EDI. This is a specific date code that describes the Terms Basis Date Code for orders that are transmitted to your customers or vendors through EDI.
- EDI Terms Code
Specify the Terms Type Code as defined in the element table (Element 336) of the ANSI X12 Standards manual for EDI. This describes the Terms Type Code for orders that are transmitted through EDI.
- Else Discount Through
If the Discount Type field is set to Prox, specify the day of the month this invoice is due if it has been invoiced after the cut-off day specified in the In By field. This is not required if the day specified is the same as the day specified in the Then Discount Through field, only one month later. Prox terms always work in one-month intervals. For example:
- If invoiced by the 10th, discount is available through the 25th; otherwise, discount is available through the 10th. Specify 10 in the In By field. Specify 25 in Then Discount Through. Specify 10 in Else Discount Through.
In this example, no entry is made to the Else Discount Through field:
- If invoiced by the 25th, the discount is available through the 10th. Otherwise, the discount is available through the following 10th. Specify 25 in the In By field. Specify 10 in Then Discount Through.
- Else Due On
If the Due Type field is set to Prox, specify the day of the month this invoice is due if it has been invoiced after the cutoff day entered in the In By field.
- Gross
This field is valid in Sales Order Entry only and allows you to calculate the terms discount based on a gross or net amount. If you leave this blank, the discount is calculated from line amounts and does not include addons or taxes. If you select Gross, the discount is calculated from the total invoice amount and includes taxes but not addons. So, if there is a taxable addon, the tax on the addon is included, but not the addon amount itself.
This field works in conjunction with the terms Override field which allows a different terms discount on each Sales Order Entry line. If both the Override and Gross options are selected, the discount amount is calculated on each line individually using the line discount percentage and the discount amount on the addons. Taxes are calculated using the terms discount percentage. The discount amount prints on the invoice and flows to Accounts Receivable. This field is not used in Customer Transaction Entry when invoices are entered.
- Hold
Applies to vendor AP invoices only. Select Yes to hold all invoices with these terms. If an invoice is placed on hold in this manner, you must release it in Vendor Maintain Transaction Entry. If you use floor planning as a method to finance invoices from your vendors, you must set up specific terms that are used in these cases. If this terms type is for a floor plan, select Floor Plan in the Hold field to treat the discount date as the expiration date and the due date as the maturity date.
- In By
If the Discount Type field is set to Prox, specify the monthly cutoff day for the terms discount. The system compares the day you specify to the invoice date. Only invoices posted through this day are included in this discount period. For example, if this field is set to 10, all invoices entered between the 1st and 10th day of the month are included in the discount period. Invoices specified on the 11th and all subsequent days in the month are not considered for the discount.
If the Due Type field is set to Prox, specify the day of the month (1-31), based on the invoice date for the invoice to be included in the due date period. The day specified here becomes the cutoff day for posting invoices each month to be included in this due date period.
- Months
If the Discount Type field is set to Prox, use this field to add a number of months to the proximity calculations. Use this field to offer terms extended past a one month window.
If the Due Type field is set to Prox, specify the number of months to add to the calculation of the due date. This is used to offer terms extended as a one month window. For example, an invoice with prox 45 terms is due the 15th of the subsequent month.
- Override
Applicable to Sales Order Entry and Price and Discounting. Select this option to allow a discount override by line item in Sales Order Entry, by PD Pricing Setup record, or by product in Product Setup if a pricing record does not exist. The override can be made at any time before invoice processing in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. Operators must have correct security in SA Operator Setup to override the discount.
- Percent
The percentage of discount offered. The percentage range can be from 0.00% to 99.99%.
- Split Discount
If you set the Split Pay option to Yes, select this option to split the discount available equally between the payments. If this field is cleared, the discount is eligible to be deducted from the first remittance only.
- Split Pay
Select Yes to automatically split invoices into multiple payments.
- Then Discount Through
If the Discount Type field is set to Prox, specify the day of the month through which this invoice is eligible for a discount. For example, if the In By field is set to 10, and you specify 25 in the Then Discount Through field, all invoices entered between days 1-10 of the month are eligible for the discount if fully paid before the 25th of the month.
- Then Due On
If the Due Type field is set to Prox, specify the day of the month (1-31) this invoice is due.