GL Administrator Create Budget Report ranges and options


From Fiscal Year (Blank = Current Year)
Specify the fiscal year of the accounts to be used to create individual account budgets.
To Fiscal Year (Blank = Next Year)
Specify the fiscal year for which the budgets are being created. For example, the General Ledger account codes in 2019 (From Fiscal Year) could be used to create future budgets for 2020 (To Fiscal Year). Leave this field blank to use the next year beyond the current year.
From Company # (Default Current Co#)
Specify the company number from which the budget is to be created in the new company. The To Company option is the company that was used to sign in to the system.
If cross-company budget figures are used, you must have adequate security. The Allow Intercompany Processing option must be selected on your SA Operator Setup record.
If you create budgets based on General Ledger account codes from another company, the account codes used to create the budget records must exist in both companies and must use the same code lengths and delimiters. GL Administrator Create Budget Report does not prevent the creation of budget records from mismatched accounts. You must review the newly created budget to ensure the desired results are obtained.
Budget Revision # (Default Next Avail)
Specify a specific revision number to be assigned to the new budget. Leave this field blank to use Revision #1. If a budget revision already exists for an account and year and budgets are not overridden using the Overwrite Existing Budget option, a new revision is created for that account and year and the assigned revision number is increased by one.
Overwrite Existing Budget?
This option is effective only if a revision number is specified in the Budget Revision # field.
Select Yes if the revision number entered already exists and this new budget should override it.
Select No if the revision number already exists and the new budget should not override it.
% of Actual Balances
The account period amount is multiplied by the percentage you specify here to calculate the budget period amounts in each budget.
For example, if the future budget amount is to be 90% of the current period amount, specify 90 in this field. If the future budget amount is to be 10% above the current period amount, specify 110 in this field.
Print Detail Lines (Y/N)
Select Yes to view the account code, year, revision number and total of period amounts for each budget record created.
Select No to view only the totals for all budget records created.
Allow Changes to Annual Budget
When a budget record is created, all period amounts are added to create an annual budget amount for that revision. If period amounts are changed, the annual budget amount is usually left as its original value. For example, annual budget could be the amount allowed to be spent in the next fiscal year, and the period amount is the annual budget allocated to each period.
Select Yes to create a new annual budget for each revision by totaling the period amounts each time a new revision is created.
Select No to leave the annual amount as its original amount.