Product Inquiry - Order Details field descriptions

Use the additional search to refine the list of orders in the Orders grid.

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.


Customer Purchase Order #
Specify a customer purchase order number to limit the search results to the order associated with that purchase order.
Select Header Info or Line Detail to indicate the type of information to display in the grid.
Specify a division to limit the search results to orders created with that division.
Record Limit
Specify the number of records to include in the search results.
Sales Rep External
Specify the initials of the external sales rep to limit the search results to orders that are assigned to that sales rep.
Sales Rep Internal
Specify the initials of the internal sales rep to limit the search results to orders that are assigned to that sales rep.
Sales Warehouse
Specify a warehouse to limit the results to orders with that originating warehouse when the order is created for a different warehouse.
Ship To
Specify a customer ship to number to limit the search results to orders for that customer ship to address.
Taken By
Specify initials to limit the search results to orders that were taken by that individual.
Specify a warehouse to limit the search results to orders for that warehouse.


Backorder Filter

Use this field to limit orders in the search results by backorder status.

Select All to include all orders.

Select BO only to include only the backorders.

Select Exclude BO to include all orders except backorders.

Central Distribution Center Status
Select a central distribution center status to limit the search results to orders with that status. The options include:
  • All
  • Not Set
  • Assigned
  • Transfer Route
  • Received in Sales Warehouse
  • Shipped to Customer
Use this field to limit orders in the search results by disposition. If you select All, all orders, regardless of the disposition, are included in the search. If you select None, orders without an assigned disposition are included in the search. The other options include:
  • Ship Complete
  • Tag & Hold
  • Will Call
  • Just In Time
Fulfillment Order

Use this field to limit orders in the search results to fulfillment orders.

Select All Orders to include all orders.

Select Fulfillment Orders Only to include only fulfillment orders.

Select Fulfillment Orders Excluded to include all orders except fulfillment orders.

Fulfillment Tied Order

Use this field to limit orders in the search results to fulfillment tied orders.

Select All Orders to include all orders.

Select Fulfillment Tied Orders Only to include only fulfillment tied orders.

Select Fulfillment Tied Orders Excluded to include all orders except fulfillment tied orders.

Select an order stage to limit the search results to orders in that stage. The options include:
  • Entered
  • Ordered
  • Picked
  • Shipped
  • Invoiced
  • Paid
  • Cancelled
To include all stages in the search, click the Select All check box.
Transaction Types
Select the transaction types to limit the search results to that type of order transaction. Select Select All to display all orders, regardless of transaction type.
Warehouse Transfer Billed Orders

Use this field to limit orders in the search results to warehouse transfer billed orders.

Select All to include all orders.

Select Billed Only to include only warehouse transfer billed orders.

Select Exclude Billed to include all orders except warehouse transfer billed orders.


Entered From
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders created on or after that date.
Entered To
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders created up to the specified date.
Invoiced From
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders invoiced on or after that date.
Invoiced To
Specify a date to limit the search results to order invoiced up to the specified date.
Requested Ship From
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders with a requested ship date on or after that date.
Requested Ship To
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders with a requested ship date up to the specified date.
Shipped From
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders with an actual ship date on or after that date.
Shipped To
Specify a date to limit the search results to orders with an actual ship date up to the specified date.


Core Status
Select a core status to limit the search results to orders with that status. The options include:
  • Open Cores
  • Closed Cores
  • Expired Cores
  • Lost Business
  • All Cores
Include Zero Quantity Ship Lines
Select this check box to include the ship lines with zero quantity.
Line Type
Select the line types to include in the search. If you select one or more values but not all values, the Display field is disabled with the default value of Line Detail. The options include:
  • Special
  • Non-Stock
  • Lost Business
  • Stock
Specify the period in months to limit the search results for that period.
This field is defaulted with the product that is specified in the search window. You can specify any other product to limit the search results to orders for that product.
Product Type

Use this field with the product field to limit the search results to order line items, kit components, tally components, or implied core products.

Select Product on Orders Only to include orders with the product. When you select Product on Orders Only, a line-level search is performed. This type of search returns results faster than the All Orders and Kit Components option which searches components before searching lines.

Select the Product used as Kit Component to include only orders with kit component products.

Select the Product used as Tally Component to include only orders with tally component products.

Select Product used an Implied Core to include only orders with implied core products. When you select the Product used as an Implied Core, you can also specify the type of core product and the period in months.

Select All Orders and Kit Components to include all orders and kit components.

Restriction Code
Specify a restriction code to limit the search results to orders with that restriction code.