Product Commodity Codes Report ranges and options
- Print P)roduct, C)atalog, or B)oth?
Specify P to include products that are set up in Product Setup. Specify C to include products that are set up in Product Catalog Setup. Specify B to include both types of products.
- Include Inactive Products/Catalogs?
Specify whether to include products or catalog products that are inactive.
- Include Labor Products?
Specify whether to include products that are defined as labor products in Product Setup. This option only applies if you select P or B for the Print P)roduct, C)atalog, or B)oth? option.
- Include Superseded Products?
Specify whether to include superseded products. This option only applies if you select P or B for the Print P)roduct, C)atalog, or B)oth? option.
- Sort by P)roduct/Catalog or C)ommodity?
Specify P to sort the report by product/catalog product. Select C to sort the report by commodity code.