Product Certification/License Setup field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.


This option sets the status of the record. Select this option if the certificate or license is active

Auth Licensee

Specify the person at the customer or shipto site that is authorized or certified to process or handle the product identified by the restriction code.

Certificate/License ID

Specify the identification number of the certificate or license. If you are conducting a search, you can specify a partial ID.


The date you create the record. This is a non-enterable field.


Specify the customer to whom the certificate or license applies. If you are conducting a search, records for the customer’s shiptos are also displayed.

Date Accepted / Certified

Specify the date the certificate or license was last reviewed and validated.

Expire Date

Specify the date the certificate or license is no longer in effect. If you are searching for records, you must specify a date range using this field and the corresponding To field.

Record Limit

Specify the number of records you want to display when conducting a search.

Restriction Code

Specify the restriction code to which the certificate or license applies. Restriction codes are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. The certificate or license records are associated with Product Restriction Setup record(s) based on this code.

Ship To

Specify the customer shipto to which the restriction applies.

Start Date

Specify the date the certificate or license is effective. If you are searching for records, you must specify a date range using this field and the corresponding To field.


Select the status of the record(s) for which you want to conduct a search.

User Accepted/Certified

Specify the name of the person that reviewed and validated the certificate or license.