Other considerations for Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report processing
Review these considerations for their effect on Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report processing:
- If Move Filled Drop Lines to New Suffix in
SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales
Orders-Back Orders is not selected, Order
Not Shipped with DO Line Received is printed on the
Sales Back Order Fill Exception Report.
The Line DOs are filled on the original order,but the order is not
shipped until the entire order is filled. This allows invoicing to
occur on filled Line DOs. The remaining lines with a quantity
shipped of zero are moved to their own suffix. For Stock Orders (SO)
with both regular and Line DOs, the Line DOs are filled on the
current suffix. If all lines are filled, the order is set to Stage 3
If Move Filled Drop Lines to New Suffix is selected, the filled Line DOs are shifted to another order (same order number, new suffix), filled, and shipped. This allows invoicing to occur on filled Line DOs. The remaining lines stay on the current suffix in Stage 1 (Ordered) until the last line is filled. It can then be shipped.
- If the line items on a Direct Order (DO) are partially filled and a back order was created when the purchase order or warehouse transfer was received, a new Sales Order Entry back order is created for the quantity not filled. The new order number is attached to the new purchase order or warehouse transfer back order. If the purchase order or warehouse transfer is received short and the remaining quantity was canceled, no back order is created in Sales Order Entry for the quantities not filled on the Direct Order (DO), if requested by the customer.
- If your Direct Order (DO) quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered, the sales order is updated with the actual quantity that was received. If serial and lot numbers are indicated, they are recorded with the sales order. Direct Orders (DO) are automatically placed in Stage 3 (Shipped), and the shipped date equals the date the order is filled. The latest stage a back order is created is Stage 3 (Shipped), regardless of the value in the Create OE Back Orders At Stage field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders. This ensures that back orders are created for Direct Orders, which are only partially received, when the order is shipped.
- A credit check is not performed on Direct Order (DO) order types or orders containing only DO lines when the Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report is processed. If the order was on hold, it remains on hold. If the order was approved, it remains approved.
- A Line DO is filled at the line item level based on the tied Purchase Order Entry or Transfer Entry line item. The line is filled based upon the quantity received in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry. The sales order header totals and quantity shipped are adjusted accordingly. The order stage is changed to Stage 3 (Shipped) when the line is filled.
- If a Line DO is filled in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry, the tie remains, even if the purchase order or warehouse transfer is inactive. If the quantity shipped is decreased in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, the back order must be deleted and a new order entered for the amount not shipped. The tie is removed for regular orders, unless multiple ties exist and there are still active purchase orders or warehouse transfers.
- If an order contains Line DOs and regular lines, and any of the line items are back ordered, the Line DOs are moved from the back order to their own new order as soon as they are filled by the Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report. This way, invoicing is not delayed for the Line DOs. The new order is considered filled and set to Stage 3 (Shipped).
- When an order contains Line DOs and regular lines, the Line DOs may be moved to another suffix so the regular lines to be shipped and invoiced. When the lines are moved to the next suffix, the Line DOs on the previous suffix are canceled. These canceled lines are not considered lost business.
- When Line DOs being filled are the last physical lines on an order, the lines are retained on the current suffix instead of being moved to another suffix. Lines only shift to a back order when there are other regular, active lines on the order or Line DOs which have not been filled.
- If a back order is created, and a tie or ties exist to purchase orders or warehouse transfers, the back order is also tied to these purchase orders or warehouse transfers. The suffix on the order number is updated for the purchase orders or warehouse transfers.
- The cost on the line item is updated when the line is a Line DO, order as needed product, tied to an accumulative purchase order, or nonstock product.
- Serial and lot numbers are not allocated for regular back orders, Ship Completes, and Tag and Hold orders. When filling a special order with received products, received serial numbers and lots are allocated to the order. You receive a message if the allocation is not complete. If a purchase order or warehouse transfer is tied to more than one order, the back order is filled, but the serial numbers and lots are not allocated.
- If an Order as Needed product is ordered and there is no available quantity, it is marked as special and back ordered. If a purchase order is manually entered and no tie exists to the order, the Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report fills these lines: order line, order kit components, warehouse transfer lines, alternative warehouse lines, and VA lines. Tally lines and sales order and warehouse transfer substitutes are not filled.
- The Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report ignores any product that is associated with a bundle ID. You must run standard reports to determine product availability and manually update orders according to the way you allocate specific bundle IDs to specific orders and to affect the order quantities as required.